The final week of school has arrived! As we look back at all we have accomplished this school year and look forward to a well-deserved summer break, we will wrap up our work in each subject area. Spelling, Grammar and Math journals were sent home on Friday. Each reading group will finish their assigned literature […]
As we approach the end of school, we will be testing in some subjects (Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary and Math) and wrapping up a variety of learning projects and activities in others. We will continue with Reading Logs (last one!) this week, due next Monday. You may click here to access the form. Weekly_Reading_Log We will […]
I hope everyone enjoyed the long Memorial Day weekend. It’s hard to believe there are only three more weeks of school left. Everyone worked very hard today, so please encourage your children to stay focused as they were today for just a little bit longer!!! We will have another free dress day this Wednesday, rewarding […]
We will have a free dress day ($1 donation) this Wednesday. All of the money will be sent to the Archdiocese, which will in turn send it to Nepal for earthquake relief. There is up to $100,000 in matching funds that has been offered, so we encourage everyone to be even more generous than usual. […]
Fun, Fun, Fun… This Wednesday, May 13th, is the Intermediate Grades Spring Program. I am asking everyone to be in the hall by 6:15. The show begins at 6:30, and fourth grade performs first! You may click here for information about suggested attire for the show. costumes If you have any questions or concerns please […]
Fun, Fun, Fun… The jogathon is this Friday. We encourage everyone to buy a spirit poster and decorate it for the jogathon. These will not be available the day of the jogathon. To add to the fun there will be Kona Ice and fans for sale, Pie Throwing opportunities, and photo opportunities, and all of […]
Fun, Fun, Fun…On May 1st we will be going to the Ojai Storyteller’s Festival. Please send in the field trip permission form and the $6 fee at your earliest convenience. You may click here to access the form. storytellers field trip The jogathon is coming up on May 8th. We encourage everyone to buy a […]
This week I continue listening to the fourth graders recite the poems they have learned for the Speech Contest. They are doing such a good job! Five finalists will be selected on Friday, and they will compete against the fifth graders next week. On May 1st we will be going to the Ojai Storyteller’s Festival. […]
I hope all families enjoyed a relaxing Easter vacation. On May 1st we will be going to the Ojai Storyteller’s Festival with the middle school students. Coming home today is the field trip permission form; please send it in, along with the $6 fee, at your earliest convenience. You may click here to access the […]
Report cards and work packets go home tomorrow. I am very pleased with the progress I am seeing; we have been working very hard! The Speech contest will be at the end of April. We will begin reciting poems the first week back from Easter break. All students need to have a poem selected by […]