On Wednesday we have picture retakes; remember that your child must bring the old ones back if you are requesting to have the pictures redone. On Wednesday as well will be the Living Rosary, at 2 p.m. in the church. Join us if you can! Halloween is less than two weeks away, and with that […]
We enjoyed our “free” Free Dress day last Monday; this Wednesday we will have another Free Dress day, but this time we need to bring $1, which will go towards our mission project for the first trimester, which is Adopt-a-Family. Students can also purchase a bottle of water for $1 every Tuesday and Thursday morning, […]
We return to our normal schedule this week, as we have completed ITBS testing! Fourth graders did a great job dealing with the testing and the heat over the last two weeks! Now if it would just cool down… Last week I launched a new activity, Daily Five. At this point we are Reading to […]
We continue ITBS testing this week and plan to be done on Wednesday. Our daily schedule has changed for those three days. We are doing Math at 11, and we will not be going to computer lab. Since we have two other tests to administer (see below), ixL Math will not be part of homework […]
Week of September 22, 2014 We have begun our ITBS testing, easing into the process with just one test today. We continue testing Tuesday-Thursday, and then again next week. As a result, our daily schedule has changed somewhat. We are doing Math at 11 each day, and we will not be going to computer lab. […]
Today was an exciting day for fourth graders. In the morning they found themselves in new seats, most of them in different areas of the room. (I will change individual seats if needed, but hope to have everyone settled in these new spots for the next several weeks.) In the afternoon, in music class, they […]
Homework for fourth grade is ixL math, skills B1, 2, and 7 and Reading logs. The reading log can be accessed here. Mrs. Dwyer
OOPS…the last posting, entitled The Week Ahead, was directed to fourth graders only…sorry for any confusion. Mrs. Dwyer
Words cannot possibly express how pleased I am to be back at Sacred Heart School! I am very much looking forward to getting to know all of the fourth graders and their families. This week we will begin a new Vocabulary Unit (unit 2) and a new Spelling Unit. Due to the short week and […]
We are happy to announce that Mrs Mary Dwyer returns to Sacred Heart School to teach fourth grade! Mrs Dwyer is a teacher of exceptional talent and dedication, and after several years of traveling with her husband for business, she and her husband return to their home in Ventura. Mrs. Dwyer taught 5-8th grade students […]