There is a lot happening in grade 4 this week! Math: more measurement Spelling: unit 34 Social Studies: CA agriculture, the students will also be given the next list of vocabulary to study , list 8 Science: Chapter 8 vocabulary test Tuesday, April 31 Religion: Family Life series is continued English: Pronouns test on Wednesday, […]
Most of the students did a great job memorizing and reciting their poems for the speech contest. It was hard to narrow the choices to six students. Going to finals are: Erin, Jacob, Lily, Renee, Kaleb, and Leannah. Please read the Sacred Heart School newsletter for correct dates. A few students have yet to turn […]
This week in fourth grade: Math: time and measurement Reading: Unit 6, Stories of the Earth and Sky Spelling: Unit 32 Social Studies: List 7 TEST on Thursday, week 23 Transcontinental Railroad Science: Our focus is electricity. The chapter 8 vocabulary test will be given April 25th. Religion: This week we begin our “Family Life” […]
I hope everyone had a nice Easter vacation! This week in grade 4: Math: algebra and operations are continued Spelling: Unit 31 English: We begin the study of pronouns. Social Studies: Week 22, “The Pony Express and Telegraph” A reminder that the list 7 vocabulary test will be given on Thursday, April 18th. Religion: The […]
This week in grade 4: Math: We begin chapter 8 “Algebra and Patterns” Spelling: Unit 29, Students have these words in their homework folders every Monday, they are also on Spelling City Science: We begin chapter 8 “Electricity” Students will be given the new vocabulary words on Monday. They are also on Spelling City Social […]
It was good to see so many of you last week at our school fair. The students did a wonderful job on their projects! We celebrated all the hard work by digging into Raquel’s mission cake. It was delicious! During religion we are focusing on the Beatitudes. Today we discussed, “Happy are the poor in […]
The Sacred Heart School Fair will be held Wednesday evening. Students began bringing their projects to school this morning and what I have seen so far is very impressive! I look forward to seeing the others! This week in grade 4: Math: The students are picking up decimals very quickly! This is a short chapter […]
IT IS ALMOST HERE!! THE SCHOOL FAIR PROJECTS ARE DUE NEXT TUESDAY!! I am excited to see the projects the students have been talking about. It sounds like we are going to have some very special displays! Our school fair will be held next Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30 PM. This week: Math: A test […]
A huge thank you to our moms who contributed in making our Valentine’s party so special. A fun time was had by all! This week: Math: We will complete our unit on fractions. The test will be Tuesday, Feb. 26th. Reading: The students are very much enjoying reading about America’s early colonies. Book reports will […]
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The fourth grade students have discussed ways we could reach out to the community and do something good for others. After some discussion, we decided to collect and donate new socks to the RAIN project in Camarillo. All sizes and colors will be collected. I […]