This week we will begin our days with ITBS testing (except Friday.) Fourth grade will be testing for about an hour each morning. There will be no spelling words given this week. During testing weeks I try to lessen the academic load a bit. Homework will be very light. We will still have our science […]
It was great to see many of you for Back to School Night. If you were not able to attend you should have received a folder with the agenda inside. Please see me if you have any questions because it is so important that you and I communicate about your child. We are a team […]
We are off to a great start in fourth grade! This year we are very fortunate to have Mrs. Hernandez and Mr. Doswell in charge of our science labs. On Tuesday, the students will add living things to their terrarium ecosystems as we explore life science. We continue to work on place value and rounding […]
Welcome to our first full week of fourth grade! Today we began our regular schedule and routine. We had music at 12:30 and will again have music at 12:30 on Wednesday. We have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays, also at 12:30. Tomorrow we will have our first science lab. We begin with life science and […]
August 15, 2012 Fourth Grade News Dear Families, Welcome to the 2012/2013 school year! I am excited to be back for another year at our wonderful Sacred Heart School. We are blessed to be in an environment that supports not only our Catholic moral values, but a superior academic atmosphere. Mrs. Benner, the faculty, and […]
This has been a wonderful fourth grade year. I want to thank each of you for your help and support this past school year. Thank you to our room moms, Gena Rios, Michelle Salomon, Lynette Hungerford, Deborah Hoyt, and Margaret Anselmo. You were all amazing! I look forward to a relaxing summer before returning August […]
Summer has arrived! Friday is the last day of the 2011/2012 school year. I would like to offer a huge thank you to our room moms (and room grandma!) for helping make the Wax Museum such a huge success. The room was beautifully decorated and the food, not only stunning, but delicious. The students did […]
Fourth Grade Wax Museum! The time has arrived! Please have your children dressed and at school before 5:45 on Wednesday, June 13th. The children are very excited to share this special event. I will meet with the students inside the hall for a few minutes before we open the doors. Thank you all for your […]
Please forgive my delay in getting our weekly update on the web. I am sending a large group of papers home today with the students. You will find a lot of review work reinforcing what has been taught this school year. You will also find a variety of reading comprehension work and artwork. There is […]
With the beautiful Memorial Day weekend behind us, our focus for the next several weeks will be to complete units and shore up skills learned in fourth grade. That being said, here is the goal (always subject to change due to interruptions for fun events!) Math: Some time will be spent on graphing, but the […]