It was great to see everyone at our school fair last Wednesday. Thank you for helping and supporting your children with their projects. All of the missions and gold rush projects were wonderful. Today we were treated to a play about Jesus. It was well performed and enjoyed by the entire school. This week in […]
The grade 4 chapter 9 science test has been rescheduled until next Wednesday, March 14th. We have spent a lot of time with mission and gold rush reports this week. I feel we need more time to review the chapter before the test The chapter 7 math test (fractions) will be given next Tuesday, March […]
This is our big school fair week! All mission or gold rush projects need to be at school by tomorrow. I look forward to seeing all of you this Wednesday evening at 6:30. This week we continue fractions during math time. Please add this site,, to your computer bookmarks. It is a great place […]
This week we begin the Lenten season by receiving ashes at Mass on Wednesday. Besides our focus on Lent, we continue our Family Life series with unit 2, “God’s Gift of Self.” We will explore feelings, emotions, and what influences them. Please make sure your child is working on his or her mission or gold […]
Happy Valentine’s Week! Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th we will have our Valentine party. From 1:30 until 2:30, students will be exchanging cards and having treats. I know it will be a fun time! Thursday morning will be our California Gold Rush presentation. Students will pan for gold, shop for supplies, and enjoy learning more about […]
Thank you all for the beautiful flowers, gifts, and luncheon celebrating Catholic Schools Week. A good time was had by all! This week we are busy finishing book reports, science chapter 8, social studies chapter 6, math chapter 6, and English unit 7. Wow!! I am going to space the tests and quizzes as follows: […]
This week, January 30th, we begin discussing the fifth commandment, “You shall not kill.” These discussions are based on the fact that all life is precious. Today we talked about how much each and every one of us is so very loved by God. We discussed how important it is to take care of ourselves […]
Happy Catholic Schools Week to all! This is always an exciting week for students and staff. Tuesday is staff appreciation day so we are treated to a special lunch! Wednesday our students are appreciated with free dress, hamburgers and treats for lunch, and no homework! Thursday we will give special gifts and cards to our […]
Tuesday marks the 100th day of of the 2011/2012 school year. This brings us to our halfway mark and I am very pleased with the progress all students are making. It is appropriate that progress reports will also go home Tuesday! This week grades 3, 4, and 5 are implementing an exciting change in our […]
No school on January 16th as we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King. The big news of the week is our field trip to Rancho Olivas Adobe on Thursday the 19th. There are still a few permission slips and payments that have not yet been returned. The students should wear clothes that are ok to get […]