Dear Families, On Tuesday our Progress Reports go home. Please sign and return by Friday the 16th. Wednesday is our Valentines Exchange. Please make sure your child brings enough valentines for all 21 students. Wednesday is also a no cost Free Dress. Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Math: […]
Tuesday we participated in a hands-on program learning more about the Colombian Mammoth and the Pygmy Mammoth lead by a Channel Island Ranger. We had fossils of a tusk, teeth, leg and foot bones to examine. Kindergarten and their buddies in 4th and 5th grade enjoyed learning about these mammals who lived in here and […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a full day of school. Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. Please join us for Mass if your schedule allows. Please see below an overview of our week: Math: We will be reviewing fractions and starting Unit 5. Social Studies: Our focus will be on comparing the settlements in the middle […]
Dear Families, This week we are collecting food for the Sacred Heart Food Pantry. We are also including donation of small toys. Wednesday is Student Appreciation Day. Wednesday is free dress for all students! A hamburger lunch will also be provided for all students. Please return the Virtues forms if you have not already done […]
Dear Families, This Tuesday we are going to the Skirball Center for our field trip. Please make sure your child is at school by 7:30. Friday is Parents’ Day. Friday is also a noon dismissal. Please join us if your schedule allows. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We are learning how […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. I really enjoyed being able to meet with all of you last week. This Friday is a 2:45 dismissal. We will be having the Spelling Bee in the afternoon. Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1:00 donation. If you have not already done so please make […]
Dear Families, I look forward to seeing everyone this week for Parent Conferences. January 10th-12th will be a 11:30 dismissal. On Friday the 12th we will have our Epiphany Party. We are going to the Skirball Center Museum on January 23, 2018. We will be leaving campus at 7:30. Please return the permission slip and […]
Dear Families, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a restful break. This week we are reviewing academics and returning to our schedules. All days this week are full days with a 2:45 dismissal. Family envelopes will go home on Thursday. I look forward to meeting with everyone next week during Parent Conferences. Parent Conferences […]
Dear Families, On Tuesday Progress Reports will be going home. Please sign the envelope and return the envelope. This Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are 11:30 dismissals for parent conferences. I look forward to seeing everyone this week. Wednesday is Teddy Bear Day! Below is an overview of our week. Social Studies: We are focusing on […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving Day! This Friday is a noon dismissal. The St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive begins on Monday, December 4th. This week grocery bags will be given to the students. Teddy Bear Day is Wednesday, December 6th. Below please see an overview of our week: Math: We […]