Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful and peaceful long weekend. Thanksgiving cookies pre sale will continue until Wednesday. Wednesday is also a Free Dress Day for a $1 donation. Friday is a 2:45 dismissal. Below please see on over view of our week. Math: We are exploring the different types of triangles and […]
Dear Families, This is a short week for us. There is no school on Friday. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend. Thursday is our Flag Retirement Ceremony. Thursday is also Patriotic Dress for $1 donation. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will explore angles formed by intersecting lines. Social Studies: We […]
Dear Families, This Friday is our Saints’ Mass and Parade. Friday is also a noon dismissal. Tuesday is a Free Dress Day for Halloween. Below is an overview of our week: Vocabulary: Unit 4. Our Unit 4 test will be next Tuesday. Grammar: We will be reviewing unit 1. We will have our Unit 1 […]
Dear Families, Due to the heat this week students may wear P.E. clothes again on Tuesday. Please remember to pack extra water for your child. This Friday is Dodger free dress. Next Tuesday is Halloween and free dress. Students may purchase tattoos for $1.00. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We are taking […]
Dear Families, On Wednesday we are having a Free Dress for a $1.00 donation. Friday is a school wide centers and a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We are reviewing partial product method for whole numbers and decimals. We are also practicing the lattice method of multiplication. Voc: We are […]
Dear Families, This Thursday is Picture Retake Day. Please bring the envelope with all the photos. This Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. Next Wednesday is Free Dress for $1.00 to benefit Adopt-a-Family. As the weather warms up please remember to pack water every day. Below is an overview […]
Dear Families, On Tuesday Progress Reports will be sent home. Please sign and return the Progress Report by Friday. Friday is a noon dismissal. Please remember to send water bottles with your children to school each day. Below please find an overview of our week. Religion: Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community. Social Studies: […]
Dear Families, This Fridays is a full day of school. This week we have our first art lesson with Mrs. Spooner. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We are taking our Unit 1 test on Monday. We then will begin Unit 2. We will be reviewing place value concepts and the use of […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is a noon dismissal. Extended day care will be available for students who need to stay on campus after the noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: We are discussing the different signs of our faith. Math: We are continuing to learn about factor strings and prime factorization. […]
Dear Families, It was so nice to see all the families on Grandparents Day. September 13th is a Free Dress for a $1 donation. The 8th grade will be selling water before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for $1.00 Below is an overview of our week: Math: I will introduce factor strings and prime factorization. […]