Dear Families, Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1.00 or more donation. On Thursday we are having our on campus This Friday there is no school in observance of Veteran’s Day. Below is a overview of our week: Religion: Chapter 5, The Eucharist is the Center of the Christian Life. Math: We will focus […]
Dear Families, Happy Halloween! This Friday is our Saints Parade. Please join us in the church at 8:30 if your schedule allows. Our class will be having an on campus field trip with a program called “RAYS”. Our Program is on November 10th. The cost is $8.00. Math: We are reviewing and providing practice […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a noon dismissal. Please remember to bring $1 for Halloween Tattoos. On October 31st we will have free dress. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: We continue our study of the Rosary. We will have a Living Rosary in the church at 2pm on Wednesday. Please join us […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a full day. Please check that your child’s jackets and sweatshirts have their names on them. It makes it so much easier to return missing jackets and sweatshirts. On October 31st we will have free dress and Halloween tattoos! The cost is $1.00 per Halloween tattoo. You may bring in […]
Dear Families, Wednesday is picture retake day. Please return the pictures with you on Wednesday. Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Math: Our IXl sections this week are A.8, A.9 and A.10. This week our focus is on practicing addition and subtraction number stories. Vocabulary: We are taking our […]
Dear Families, We will be going on our first field trip on Tuesday to the Skirball Museum. Also on Tuesday I will be sending home Progess Reports. Please return the signed Progress Report by Friday, October 7th. Wednesday is a free dress for a $1.00 donation. Friday is a full day of school with a […]
Dear Families, We will be going on our first field trip next Tuesday, October 4th. We will be going to the Skirball Center Museum. We will explore what immigrants experienced when they came to America. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Math: We will be taking our Unit 1 test on Monday. We will then […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1.00 donation. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We will continue to work with prime factorization. We will have our first math test on September 26th. The IXL sections this week are A.4 and C.7. Social Studies: We […]
Dear Families, It was so great to see so many family members here for Grandparents Day. We had a wonderful time. This Tuesday family envelopes and student work packets will be going home. Please return the envelopes on Wednesday. Friday is a full day of school. Below is an overview of our week: Math: I […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the 3 day weekend. This Wednesday is Picture Day! Friday is a noon dismissal and Grandparents Day. Please join us if your schedule allows. Below is an overview of our week: Math: This week we are focusing on prime and composite numbers. Our IXL sections this week are C1 […]