Dear Families, On Tuesday the students will be bringing home their work packet. Please return the folder on Wednesday. I will be emailing the coversheet on Tuesday. Our first family envelope will go home on Tuesday as well. Please remember that our P.E. day is on Thursdays. This Friday is a school holiday and […]
Dear Families, We completed our first full week of school! Students are doing a wonderful job in 5th grade. It was great to see so many families at Back-to- School Night. If you were unable to make it or have any questions please feel free to contact me. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Below […]
Dear Families, Welcome to 5th grade! This is our first full week of school. We will be getting use to our normal routines. I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday at 6:30 for Back to School Night. Thursday is our day for P.E. please make sure that your child is in full P.E. uniform. […]
Dear Families, I have so enjoyed our time together this year. I want to thank all of you for your support throughout the year. We have much planned for our last week together. W will also be wrapping up loose ends this week. Below is an overview of our week: Monday is Field Day. Please […]
Dear Families, We are starting to wrap everything up in 5th grade this week. This Wednesday is our used uniform sale. Friday is a Jogathon “Free” Dress Day. Friday is also a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: We will discuss how life is a gift from God. Vocabulary: Our unit […]
Dear Families, If you have not already returned the two permission slips for the field trip please do so. This Wednesday is Free Dress.Wednesday night is also the PTC Pizza and Slide show. This Friday is a full day of school. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We will use an area model […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is Free Dress for $1. Friday begins our Memorial Day holiday weekend. Below is an overview of our week. Math: The IXl sections are M.8 and M.9. Our focus this week will be dividing and multiplying fractions. Religion: Chapter 19. Holy Orders is a Sacrament of Service. Grammar: We will focus […]
Dear Families, Progress Reports go home this Tuesday. Please sign and return them by Friday. This Friday is our Jogathon! If you have not returned the permission/donation envelope please do so. Friday is also a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Math: The IXL section is M.12. We will be reviewing the […]
Dear Families, This Tuesday our five poem finalists will be reciting their poems for the judges! I am very proud of all the students who recited their poems in class. This Friday is a full day. Please remember that May 8th is our Jogathon! Please return permission slips and donations. Below is an overview for […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is free dress for a $1 donation. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will focus on developing rules for addition and subtraction of negative numbers. There is no IXL homework this week. Social Studies: We will take our chapter 7 test on […]