Dear Families, This Wednesday is picture retake day. The original pictures need to be returned to be able to retake the pictures. Any students who were not here on Picture Day will be retaking the pictures on Wednesday. Halloween tattoos are coming up. Students will be able to purchase tattoos on October 31st. Tattoos may […]
Dear Families, This is a busy week for the 5th grade class! This Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1.00 donation. We will also have our vision screening on Wednesday. Every Tuesday and Thursday we will have bottle water sales for $1.00 before school. Friday is noon dismissal and school wide centers. Below is an […]
Dear Families, We will be going on our first field trip tomorrow. We are going to the Skirball Center. We are leaving the school at 7:50 am. Please make sure your child is at school on time. Students are to wear full uniforms. We will be eating lunch when we return. Please pack your child […]
Dear Families, We continue with our ITBS and Cogat testing this week. The students are doing a great job with the testing. Our first field trip is coming up on October 7th. If you have not done so already please return the permission slip and the monies. Below is an overview of our week. Math: […]
Dear Families, This week begins our first week of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). Please make sure that your child is on time because we start testing at 8 am. We will test this week and next week all morning. This Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. Below […]
Dear Families, This week we have our first Free Dress for a $1.00 donation. This Friday is a noon dismissal and school wide centers. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will begin unit 2: Estimation and computation. This week our objective is to develop estimation strategies when finding an exact answer is […]
Dear Families, Thank you to all grandparents and special guests for coming to Grandparents Day on Friday. It was so nice to watch the interactions of family! This Wednesday is Picture Day. Please make sure your student is wearing school uniforms. Friday will be a full day of school. Below please find an overview of […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! This Friday is Grandparents Day. Friday is also a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Religion: Chapter 2: Jesus calls us to worship. Math: Our focus this week will be to introduce squaring numbers, factor strings and prime factorization. IXL sections are K.1 […]
Dear Families, Thank you for coming to Back to School Night. I hope all your questions were answered. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at This Friday is a noon dismissal. There will be no school on Monday September 1st. Below please find an overview of our week. Math: […]
Dear Families, Welcome to 5th grade! This week is our first full week of school. We have a busy week ahead of us. This Wednesday is Back to School night at 6:30. I hope to see all of you there. PE instruction begins this Thursday for 5th grade. In 5th grade we have PE once […]