Dear Families, I hoped everyone enjoyed their weekend. This is a busy week for the 5th grade class. Tomorrow is our first field trip. Please make sure your child brings a brown bag lunch and disposable drink. Wednesday is School Picture Day. Friday is a full day of school. Below is an overview of our […]
Dear Parents, I hope everyone had a restful long weekend. This Friday is Grandparents Day. Please join us if your schedule allows. This Friday is also a noon dismissal. September 10th is our first field trip to the Ronald Reagan Library. Today students are taking home their Red Tuesday folders. Below please find an overview […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Thank you all for coming to Back to School Night. I am excited for the year. If you have not already done so please return the permission slip and monies for the September 10th fieldtrip to Ronald Reagan Library. This Friday is a noon dismissal for a staff meeting. Tuesday packets […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Welcome Back! This is our first full week of school! I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday for Back to School Night at 6:30. Friday, August 23 is the PTC Back to School potluck at 5:30. I hope so see everyone there! We will begin reading our first book, We […]
Welcome back! I am excited to begin this school year in my new position as intermediate resource teacher of English Language Arts for grades 3, 4, and 5. What exactly does that mean? I will attempt to explain, but it is a new position and I know it will be ever changing and evolving! Last […]
There’s a summer raffle going on for students k-5. Tickets are available at the school store tomorrow. Tickets cost only 25 cents! Drawing is on Tuesday, June 18, additional tickets can be purchased that morning. click summer raffle to view the flyer and see a list of prizes!!
Dear Fifth Grade Families, We are wrapping up and starting to review all we have learned this year together. Thank you to all the families that were at the Slide Show. This Wednesday is free dress for the Jog-a-thon. This Friday is a noon dismissal and Move-Up day! Below is an overview of our week. […]
Dear Fifth Grade, There is only three weeks left in the school year. The fifth grade class in going to be very busy. Wednesday and Friday this week is Jogathon Free Dress. Wednesday is also the PTC Pizza and Slide Show at 6:30. Friday is a School wide Centers and a noon dismissal. Every night […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, I hope everyone had a restful long weekend. This Friday is a noon dismissal. This Thursday we will be having our Harvest of the Month with Mrs. Hoffman. On June 3rd the fifth grade class will be going to Food Share for a fieldtrip. We are collecting cans of food to […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Thank you everyone for a wonderful turn out at our Jog a thon. The students had a great time. This Wednesday is the intermediate grades musical performance at 6:30. The students have been working very hard on their performance. I hope everyone can join us for the show. We will be […]