Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. We are going to be very busy with the last two weeks of school. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Looking ahead next Monday is our “Families” Field Day. Please check the website for the Family colors. Please see an overview of our week: Religion: Holy […]
Dear Families, This week is a short week for us. There is no school this week on Thursday and Friday. Next Monday is Memorial Day and no school. This Wednesday we are going to Mass at 8:30. Please join us if your schedule allows. The parish picnic will be on Memorial Day. Please see below […]
Mr. Hinojosa and all the intermediate grade classes have prepared a program highlighting some of the things they have worked on during Music classes this school year. Tonight the three classes present a musical review with instrumental accompaniment that covers classic rock, contemporary, and spiritual music genres. The doors of Biedermann Hall open at 6p […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is a Free Dress Day for a $1 donation. Please have your child wear P.E. clothes for our Jogathon on Friday. This Friday is also a noon dismissal. Looking ahead next Monday, May 13th is a noon dismissal for students. Next Wednesday is our Intermediate Grade music program. Please see below […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a peaceful and restful Easter vacation. This Friday is a full day of school. Looking ahead May 10th is our Jogathon. Please see below an overview of our week. Religion: Our focus this week is to accept and respect all of God’s gifts. Vocabulary: Unit 11 Grammar: We will […]
Dear Families, This is a short week before our Easter vacation begins. Vacation for students begins on Holy Thursday. Wednesday is a 2:45 dismissal. We will have Living Stations in the Church as 1:15 on Wednesday. Please join us if your schedule allows. Please see below an overview of our week. Math: We continue to […]
Dear Families, Third trimester Progress Reports go home on Tuesday. Please sign and return by Friday, April 12th. Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. There will be Stations of the Cross at 12:45 on Friday. Please join us if your schedule allows. Looking ahead to Holy Week we will not […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. We continue to work very hard in 5th grade! This Friday is a noon dismissal. Please join us at 11 am on Friday for Stations of the Cross if your schedule allows. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: We will be ordering and comparing […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is a Free Dress for $1.00. The theme is Hobby Day. This Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. Looking ahead there is no school on Holy Thursday. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: We are going to be reviewing the use of parentheses. […]
Dear Families, Second trimester Progress Reports went home today. Please sign and return the envelope only to me by Friday. This Friday is a full day of school. Next Monday 5th grade will have P.E. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We will have the Unit 6 test next Tuesday. This wee we […]