This week during our reflection on the Gospel, 8th grade realized the necessity of service to others at all times. The Gospel explains that to follow our Lord we must put others before ourselves. This ties in perfectly with our Catholic saints as we begin saint projects in the middle school. Both 7th and 8th […]
This Sunday is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel is very timely this week. It discusses the ways to follow Jesus. The students in 8th grade focused on how we need to follow the Ten Commandments and share our many gifts, talents, and resources with others. In the 7th grade the students are […]
Middle school parents and students- I called Pearson to find out why some people were having difficulty opening the ebook. They told me that it is necessary for you to download the updated versions of the following: Adobe flash player Adobe shockwave player Quicktime javascript I hope this information helps to solve the problem. Let […]
The middle school teachers have added a new section to the weekly workpackets. Each teacher will have a Kindle Korner listing any downloaded apps used in the classroom for the past week on the workpacket. We hope this improves communication between students, parents, and teachers regarding downloaded apps during school time. If there is a […]
7th grade has been studying Picasso and cubism in art. Their colorful portraits are on display in room 7.
The 6th and 7th grade had a great time on the field trip today. Viewing the Dead Sea Scroll fragments written on animal hide in person was very interesting. They also examined a brick from King Nebuchadnezzar palace that is 25oo years old. There was also a huge display of Bibles that spanned over 5oo […]
Middle school students are excited about science! Our lab today was to determine which soda was diet and which was regular from two samples- without tasting! We are learning about the scientific method; asking questions, stating a hypothesis, observing, testing, analyzing and reporting our data. Today we had an introductory lab in which we practiced […]
The middle school spent this week working in groups designing national monuments. After viewing a video clip on various national monuments the middle school broke out into small groups and designed their own monuments honoring an event or person in history. Some of the choices were Rosa Parks, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, and Titanic. Each […]
At last month’s Parent Meeting, the Kindle Fire was named the tablet to be included on the Middle School Supply List for 2012-2013. The teachers are studying and selecting ways to include tablets as one of the tools used by our students during middle school. We encourage the use of scrip for this purchase, and […]
Multipurpose Room 1, affectionately known as the science lab, got a work-out today! Middle School students enjoyed all classes in the lab today. The sixth grade study Earth Science and have been studying volcanoes. We tried the old baking soda and vinegar model earlier and although fun and messy, really didn’t simulate a volcano as […]