Tomorrow the middle school will be going to see the play “Most Valuable Player”. It is a flashback of the life of Jackie Robinson and all the hardships he faced to become the first black major league baseball player. What a perfect way for the middle school to celebrate Black History Month! Submitted by the […]
The middle school is in the process of finishing our Apostles’ Creed religion book. The students have learned many details about this beautiful prayer over the past several months. We examined how the prayer is a map of our faith and how the different sections of the prayer express our Christian faith. The last chapters […]
The middle school continues to work on their Advent calendars each day. They must choose a Corporal or Spiritual Work of Mercy and complete a good deed for the Work of Mercy. As a promise to do these “good works” they place a sticker on each entry. The goal of the calendars is to help […]
Due to the holiday and the end of the trimester, there will be no work packet tomorrow. The middle school teachers will send the next work packet home on the 30th of this month. It should include all of the rest of the graded work for trimester one. We are most grateful for all of […]
The seventh graders, along with Mrs. Dwyer, Mrs. Keegan and Mrs. Sabatino, have returned from a marvelous evening at the Long Beach aquarium! We spent our first hour shopping in the gift shop and then wandering through the exhibits, touching rays, anemones, and starfish. Once our official program began we viewed a wide variety of […]
A reminder to all sixth and seventh graders: We have finished work on our lemonade stand spreadsheets and one person from each “partnership” should have sent me the file via email by now.
Undersea wonders await us, beginning at 2 p.m. on Monday the 8th when we board the bus for our trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific. Seventh graders should bring all of their overnight supplies when they come to school Monday morning: a sleeping bag; an air mattress or cushioning to sleep on if desired; […]
The seventh grade class just finished learning about Islam and the achievements of the Islamic Empire in Spain. We viewed video and pictures from Cordoba and other areas in Spain. The lesson concluded with a “tasting “of foods from the region, including oranges, raisins and dates! Most were very brave and tried the dates and […]
I was hoping that by tomorrow I would have all of the field trip permission slips and checks for our seventh grade trip to the Long Beach Aquarium on November 8th. Please send them in with your child tomorrow. We are looking forward to spending the night at the aquarium and hope everyone will be able […]
Two weeks from right now the seventh graders will be in the bus heading down to the Long Beach Aquarium for a sleepover. The permission form and a letter were sent home last week. The signed permission form and check for the trip are due back by this Friday, October 29th. Thank you!