As we begin April and the 5th week of Lent the 7th grade class reflected on their Lenten journey so far. They are also studying cathedrals in Europe and stained glass. Students wrote personal intentions in the cross and then colored the stained glass. Next week we will read the Passion in the Gospel to […]
The 8th grade class has been presenting the Stations of the Cross every Wednesday during Lent. They announce each station, explain what is happening, and reflect on how to incorporate Jesus’s actions into our every day lives. Each week we all feel his presence and remember his suffering in a peaceful, hopeful manner.
If your schedule allows, please join us as our 8th grade students lead us through the Stations of the Cross each Wednesday afternoon of the Lenten season. Listening as the eighth grade students read, our students review and reflect on the Passion & Death of Jesus and anticipate the celebration of His Resurrection. A special […]
Kindergarten students are preparing their hearts for Jesus! Here’s a sample of their art and writings
The last two days our Eighth grade leaders were great examples to Kindergarten. They helped Kinder kids understand the gifts of God through the Holy Spirit. Please look at some samples of their work!
The 8th grade class completed their saint project. They researched and wrote a report about the life of their chosen saint. Each student also completed a drawing. They will dress as their saint and present an oral report to all the grades on November 17. It is wonderful and inspiring to learn about these holy […]
The 6th grade is studying the Old Testament in the Bible. We are learning the different sections and how to find book, chapter, and verse in both the Old and New Testament. Every morning we read from a daily prayer book and last week we read about God’s Creation in the book of Sirach which […]
The 8th grade continues their Gospel Thursday lessons. Last week the Gospel message from JN 15:9-17 focused on love. For our reflection we studied many quotes from saints about love of others and God. We then created a word wall using the many beautiful quotes. This week is the Ascension of our Lord.
Today the 6th grade class went on a nature walk with their 1st grade buddies. We searched for many amazing plants and animals created by God. We found birds, bees, flowers, pinecones and many other nature items. The 7th and 8th grade also went on nature scavenger hunts and then discussed ways to be good […]
As we anticipate the predicted strong winds on Wednesday, we move The Living Stations INDOORS to church, and to allow for proper numbering, there are two presentations. Kindergarten and their buddies from 4th grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade attend the morning presentation at 10:15a. Family members and guests from these grades will sit in […]