The middle school grades brought Stations of the Cross booklets up to church and reflected on each station. The students quietly paused at each one and thought about what happened and how it affects them today. After each pair of students completed the journey they spent some time sitting in church and praying. A year […]
Our 8th grade students led Morning Prayer today as we continue our way through Lent. Following an introduction and a reading from The Old Testament, this message followed: During this season of Lent, help us to set aside time to reflect on what it means to think of others first. Help us to see ourselves […]
Wednesday afternoon, our second grade students and their families met in Sacred Heart Church for the first time this school year and celebrated the sacrament of First Reconciliation. Our Pastor and Associate Pastor, Fathers Al and Ramon, met with our students to share this special time together and hear their first confession. After the students, […]
The 6th grade class is studying stories in the Old Testament. Currently we are reading about Joseph and his role as a steward for the people of Egypt and Israel. Each student researched an endangered animal and drew a picture of that animal. We discussed ways we could help protect the animals, earth, and each […]
The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated January 6, twelve days after the birth of Jesus. Kindergarten students continue to reflect on this glorious day. Learning that the Three Wise Men or the Magi traveled from afar to see the newborn King bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh inspired your children! Please take a […]
The 8th grade class continues the tradition of researching and sharing reports on a chosen saint. The images they drew of the saints were beautiful and inspiring. Next week the 8th graders will dress as their saint and share their stories with all the other classes at SHS!
A tradition that goes back almost 40 years, we continue with adjustments! Our Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students will dress as saints and parade around Biedermann Hall and our field on Friday morning, November 20. All while masked and maintaining proper social distancing! “Oh, When the Saints, Go Marching In!”
Our religion text book teaches us we all have a guardian angel. God gave all of us a special helper. We also learned our angels were with us before we were born. Our angel protects and guides us all through our lives. Miss Nancy taught us how to draw our heavenly helpers. They did an […]
Today October 2, we celebrate our Guardian Angels. According to our YOUCAT # 54 angels are pure spiritual creatures of God who have understanding and will. In class we talked about the protection they offer us throughout our life. Especially in these challenging times we are indeed appreciative of our Guardian Angels!