Dear Kindergarten Families, As always read nightly with your child. Record on reading log or list books/time read on Reading Glue. Use one of the forms below to recall information or story components. Suggestions: look for sight words, list and tally how many times words are found in text. After a page or two, stop […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Hope everyone had a blessed Easter Sunday with a restful and fun week. We’ll start off our school week ready to learn! Keeping our fingers crossed for our kindergarten finalists in the Speech and Poetry Contest. All students did an excellent job. I am so proud of everyone of them! It was […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Our week is filled with learning about Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday. We will be reading, reflecting, and working on a project centered on Jesus’ last days. Monday we will attend Mass at 8:30, if your schedule permits please join us. Wednesday at 1:50 the eighth grade students take part in […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We are so close to our Easter Vacation – no homework needs to be returned, but I am sending home the number grid we did in class today. Note the work your child can do! Help if numbers are not in order or if numbers are transposed. Below is a new number […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy April! Family envelope and completed work packet come home on Tuesday. Jesus and the story of Palm Sunday will be our focus for religion and language arts this week. Stations of the Cross is Wednesday afternoon at 1:50. As always, come join us if you can. Tuesday, an art lesson with […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Read Across America is finishing up for March….but this does not mean we stop reading!! Continue with nightly reading and a bit extra. So many advantages to continuing with this healthy habit. Many poems have come in and we are practicing everyday! If your child has not found a poem – we […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Hard to believe April is just around the corner. This week we are wrapping up all the fun that goes along with Read Across America. Wednesday is Crazy Socks Day! Students are wearing uniforms…but don’t forget to sport some bright, colorful, and crazy socks!! And on Friday final drawing for all that […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Continue with a little extra reading as we work toward the end of March. Every log or Reading Glue with over 100 minutes listed earns an extra ticket for our drawing. Since this month started everyone is earning lots of tickets! I appreciate your support! You’ll find the Young Explorer National Geographic […]
Dear Kindergarten families, The season of Spring is here! We will be learning about new life, how things grow and change in this season of Lent as well as Spring. Annually, our school participates in a Speech Contest. Kindergarten and First Grade are considered as category 1. The requirements are: To commit to memory a […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Reading is one of the best habits to have. It will improve your child’s knowledge, imagination, comprehension, help with verbal skills and simply to relax. Easy to see how important reading is! Read each night – a good strong 20 minutes of reading includes working with difficult words and discussing the story […]