Dear Kindergarten Families, In your child’s homework folder you will find a “My ‘Me’ Cube”. Along with reading each night this cube is homework for the upcoming week. I feel your child will find this a fun way to share information about themselves and get to know their friends. After filling in and decorating the […]
Monday, August 22, 2016 Dear Kindergarten Families, I sure enjoyed our first three days, your children are fantastic! We had fun learning together, making friends, and getting to know our buddies. It’s going to be a great year 🙂 This week is a full week of school, every day is a 2:45 dismissal. If your […]
Dear Families, It is hard to believe this is our last week of kindergarten. It has been a wonderful year. This week we will wrap up our kindergarten academics and celebrate kindergarten as we work through this week. Monday afternoon is “Family Field Day” – your children are coming to school in a T-shirt or […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the 4-day weekend! Our last field trip is today! We are going to learn about Native American cultures and traditions. Be sure to ask all about it! Lots of fun ahead with our school wrap up! Be sure to check our school website for additional details. No more […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Busy short week ahead! You don’t want to miss the slide show on Wednesday evening at 6:30. And another free, free dress on Wednesday for the great job raising Jogathon monies. Thursday we will go to Mass at 8:30 since Friday begins the Memorial Day weekend. We will sit in our school […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week read as always – do a book response. I asked for their favorite forms… Once upon a story If your child wants to report on a non-fiction book… non-fiction For extra fun – NOT required Math puzzles and mystery picture math puzzle mystery picture #51 Math Link- sums to 10 […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, What a great time we had Friday’s Jog-a-thon! Thank you for making this fundraiser successful 🙂 Religion – This week we continue praying the rosary. I am sending home a rosary for your children on Friday. We will also discuss Pentecost and the Holy Spirit. ELA – Lots of work with blending […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Read together nightly – use a book response to retell story or non -fiction facts with pictures, sentence or phrase. A number grid is a helpful tool to count by noting the rows and columns. Have your child try these number puzzles, your child is familiar with this work. Documents to download […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I am hoping all families had a wonderful day celebrating with their mom’s on Sunday. Monday is our field trip, we are all excited and ready! Don’t forget to send lunch in a bag and a water bottle (8 to 12 oz is plenty). We will provide a snack. Tuesday is the […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Continue reading nightly – report on a favorite book either fiction or non-fiction. book responses linked below: once upon a story non-fiction Websites: IXL practice: D.16 Counting tens and ones to 20 H.3 Growing Patterns EXTRA Sites: Ten Frames Concentration (levels choose 1-10 or shapes; one or two players) Storyline Online World […]