Dear Kindergarten Families, Read and read and read!!- Use the book response to retell story (characters, setting, problem and solution) with pictures and a sentence. Book Response Math – download /print – “Add a Little Color” have your child add to find the sum and color by the code. Leave a little circle or square […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Our long awaited field trip is almost here! Permission slips are available for children who have been absent. Please check your email. Tuesday is our trip to the farm at Hansen Agricultural Center. The ground will be muddy please have your child wear older shoes, jeans, school shirt and since it may […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week do a lot of reading and a couple of Dr. Seuss worksheets. Math finds us using tally marks to record data. Find the link below for more practice recording information. Dr. Seuss worksheets Car Color tally Websites are a choice this week to explore and enjoy! Seussville Tens Frames World […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It’s almost March! Wednesday, March 2 is our annual School Fair. Doors open at 6:00 – fair ends at 7:30. Come and see what our class has been working on and enjoy all the science and social studies projects from our school. Wednesday is also the beginning of Read Across America in […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your children have been working hard and doing a fantastic job on their reports! It really shows 🙂 This week let’s take it easy with homework. I am sending home the Young Explorer Magazine to keep and read. You may choose any non-fiction book or the magazine for the book response. non-fiction […]
Dear Families, As we begin a new week we will continue learning about Jesus in the New Testament. A short video on the Transfiguration of Jesus. More learning will be on the Stations of the Cross. And part 2 of the Virtus lesson. If you can, please join us on Wednesday, 2p for Stations of […]
Kindergarten Families, Next week’s work on the World Book Web will be a choice to compare bugs or fish and sea creatures or reptiles. If your child wants to do more than one paper- that is fine! This will be the last of the comparison papers for the School Fair. Bugs Fish and Sea Creatures […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Hope everyone enjoyed time with their Valentines and the extra weekend day! Thanking you and your children for the Valentine cards, hugs, and treats. I appreciate it! Celebrating Lent – a time to return to God with our whole heart, find ways to help family and people in need, say extra prayers, […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Lent begins on Wednesday this week! If your schedule permits, please join us for Mass Wednesday morning. Our religion lesson is Hearts Are Good with scripture reading: Jesus says, “Love one another as I love you.” We will continue to reflect on Jesus’ example to pray, a bit about fasting, and give […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week spend time getting ready for our Valentine’s Day exchange on Friday! Please send in a Valentine card for each student in our class. A little candy is fine. In class we are making a card for our 4th and 5th grade buddies. In regards to classmates and buddies please do […]