Dear Kindergarten families, This week we will begin to use Spelling City’s website to spell our sight words. On home page in site – find “search” (blue) tab along top. Click on schools type in “Sacred Heart Elementary School”- click to find “registered teachers” you will see my name – click for sight word lists. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are back from a blessed Easter Holiday – refreshed and ready to learn! Our Christian faith and practice: God sent Jesus to show us how to live and love. The wonders of new life – evident in the season of spring. English Language Arts: phonics focus- final consonant and sound […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Our religion lessons continue with the Passion of Jesus as we count down the last days of Lent. Wednesday, the Living Stations of the Cross are at 2:00 as always join us if your schedule permits. Tuesday, the Standard based Progress Report cards come home. Please keep the report for your records, […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, A special request: Seventh grade students are asking for used clothing for orphaned children in the Dominican Republic. Please send in clothes items for children 4 to 18 years old – tomorrow and Wednesday. You will see containers to drop off items in the parking lot car line. The Rain Forest was […]
Dear Kindergarten families, In the red homework folder you will again find a print practice paper. As we get ready for the third trimester it is important for your children to continue correct letter formation and to print neatly. Please have your child print their name carefully on each line writing with pencil. Read each […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, we are to wear uniform. No green shirts or pants, although we are able to wear green additions to our uniform – bows or headbands, socks, pins, shoes, etc. ON Wednesday we will have a free dress (please send in $1.00 or more) this is for help […]
Dear Kindergarten families, This week you will find a couple of papers in your child’s red homework folder. One is to practice printing their name and the other to practice number formation. Print name on all lines and numbers 3 times. Remember all letters and numbers start at the top (headline or mid-line) not the […]
Dear Parents, Amazing how March is moving on! Looks like many students are doing quite a bit of extra reading for our Read Across America raffle. This reading incentive is going on through March. If you need a ‘Hat’ doc to list 5 books on click here Tomorrow we will attend the Stations of the […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, During Lent we are learning several ways to pray. I have been using audio tracks to help us get started in prayer through meditation. We begin or end our religion time with five minutes of prayer and reflection helping us feel closer to Jesus. Click this link Give Him Five We give […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Sacred Heart School is dedicating this month to Read Across America. In class we are spending a little more time reading. At home, read books, comics, headings in the newspaper, magazines, recipes, road signs, etc. Homework will consist of our normal 15-20 minutes of reading. After that find an extra 5 minutes […]