Dear Kindergarten Families, Each week I am happy to see the quality of work your children do for homework. Bravo! Thursday we read the book responses from last week. Your children feel a connection with their classmates when we go over the homework together. Read nightly and record books you read together or listen to […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a great time crafting and getting to know our 1st and 2nd grade buddies during the first Primary Centers! I really appreciate all parents who were able to come and help. Thank you! Many more centers coming through the year. This week we have a special art lesson presented by […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week you’ll notice the Everyday Mathematics Home Connection booklet in the red folder. There are 4 booklets; each has fun math activities to do at home. Check off weekly as you follow the math activities, sign and return the booklet November 24. It will be returned and another comes home. Read […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This candid picture warms my heart and is a great example of how friendships have developed and grown in the first 23 days. Our last two weeks have focused on our family and loving hearts as we live in God’s grace. Two big events this week: Wednesday is a non-uniform dress and […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Today we enjoyed reading the book responses from last week’s homework. Coming home this week is the Young Explorer magazine from National Geographic. This is for your child to keep at home. A non-fiction book response (linked below) will be required for homework this week. You may choose Young Explorer or any […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a great time on Friday with your students’ Grandparents! It was nice to meet all grandparents; we had an amazing turnout. As we move into this new week – don’t forget Picture Day on Wednesday. Usually kinders are among the first class to get their picture taken…remember wear their uniforms, […]
Kinders began the scientific process….they thought about how worms would react in a jar built with layers of soil. They drew their thoughts. After observing the worms, they layered soil, sand and peat into a jar with a water bottle buffer zone to deposit the worms. If all goes as planned the worms will find […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Lots of fun with Grandparents today! Your students sure enjoyed having their grandparents come to school. 🙂 The dice game was a big hit … I’ll add that for extra fun this week. Read nightly – list books or chapters read on the reading /web log link below. Use the “Book Nook” […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend! This week will be exciting as we prepare for Grandparent’s Day on Friday. If your child’s grandparent(s) live far away or cannot be present… family friends or parents can certainly fill in. It is important for kinders to have someone present for them on […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, As we move into this 3-day weekend, homework will be shortened. Although, reading is always a component of our weekly homework. The importance it has on your child’s success is too great! Below you will find a link to download the reading/web log. Notice the home link letter from Everyday Math – […]