Dear Kindergarten Families, One last homework for this school year! As always continue to read each night and record on log. List by books read or by chapter(s). Remember to list books you read to your child as well as the books your child reads. Homework is due next Thursday, June 5. It is important […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we go the last few days of May! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4-day weekend. This week will be a busy one as we get ready for June. Our religion focus will be joy and happiness. We will discuss how caring and helping others is a great source of joy […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Your students requested homework! Listed below are their favorite educational game sites. If your not lounging at the beach, park, or off camping ….when time allows…the reading log and games are linked below. 🙂 Please do a little reading…return the reading log next Thursday with books or chapters listed. Reading / Web […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week we begin Chapter 23 in our religion books. We will discuss air and wind. I am hoping this will help us understand the invisible reality of the Holy Spirit, whose help brings us to love others and to be good stewards for the Earth. ELA: has us working in theme […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Read each night for 20 minutes. Record book and time on reading/web log. Choose from one of the books read and do a book response: discuss with your child what to report on either fiction or non-fiction book. Everyday Math worksheet – this number grid puzzle was introduced in class. Your student […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Happy Monday! Off we go on our field trip this morning. We will learn about many types of plants as we tour Green Thumb Nursery. The Healthy Eaters program at Albertson’s will start off our unit on health and good food choices. Jog-a-thon was a success! We earned 5 free dress days. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Last week’s Wonder, Draw and Tell worksheets are beautiful! I am enjoying the drawings and great sentences. 🙂 This week’s required work: As always read nightly and record on log. Reading Web/Log Everyday Math worksheet websites: Please review ixl I.9 and work on J.8 – the practice in ixl is has shown […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, May is the month to honor Mary. We will pray with our class rosaries this week and discuss some apparitions of Mary. Continued review of chapter 21, Jesus’ love shines through us. Academics continued: ELA – short vowels -especially /e/ and a look at long vowels. Sentence structure, punctuation, letter formation especially […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Required homework: 1. Read for a minimum of 15 minutes each night and list books or chapters on reading log. This log should have at least 5 entries. 2. Cinco de Mayo worksheet 3. Wonder, Draw and Tell writing paper. Your child should think about the picture, draw what they think and […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed celebration of Easter! Our religion lessons continue with the fifty days of Easter. Religion book, chapter 19 has our focus on Jesus the Light of the World. During the month of May, we will be using our class rosaries for prayer in honor of […]