Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework – Read! Reading is the best gift you can give your children. Make reading part of your nightly schedule, use the three B’s; bath, book and bed! An excellent tool to develop language, vocabulary, writing and concentration skills is to READ. Those who read do better in all academic areas. Now […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I want to express my thanks to all parents for coming to meet for conference. I enjoyed discussing your children’s growth and progress in kindergarten. In preparation for this Advent season, we are reading and discussing the first Christmas in our Children’s Bible. We tell about God’s great love for us with each discussion […]
The Jesse Tree traces the history of the coming of Jesus. Our class has been listening to Old Testament stories starting with creation through New Testament until we reach the birth of Jesus. We are making this connection with scripture by coloring ornaments that follow the lineage of Christ. Your children are enjoying coloring the ornament that […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, December will fly by being a short month with conferences, practicing for the Christmas Program and do not forget Teddy Bear Day. We will be working on several Christmas theme related projects as we read, learn about family traditions past and present and continue with the Bible readings for our class Jesse […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week we are learning to prepare for Jesus and grow in our relationship with others as this brings us closer to Jesus. I’ll be looking for ‘acts of kindness’ from each student within our class. Ask your student about showing acts of kindness to others and whose day did they brighten? […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, The World Book Web will be a part of our homework for this week. This is a great resource for your children to get familiar with. We have used it in the lab and will continue to research animals and habitats for our landform project. Continue with previous sight words, testing will […]
Your students are writing a book to celebrate this Year of Faith. It is comprised of their beginning knowledge and understanding of God. We know God’s love is always in our hearts, prayers, through our thoughts and actions, with our continued love and care for others and ourselves. Continue reading to enjoy a few samples […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! It is now time to get back into the working mode as we finish this month of November. The second trimester of school begins today. November went by so quickly, it is time to get ready for the Christmas season. Please do not forget […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are already time for Thanksgiving! I wish all of your families a joyful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. December 3 is Teddy Bear day, we celebrate this day by bringing a stuffed animal for the less fortunate children this holiday season. Your child may bring in this gift anytime […]
This week Kindergarten children will reflect on God and being thankful for all our blessings. As we give thanks to God, we acknowledge that all things have been created by him, belong to him, and come to us through his goodness. Thanksgiving provides an occasion where we can show our families how thankful we […]