Dear Kindergarten Parents, I am happy to see many of your little “saints” have a Saint to portray for our annual Saint’s Parade. If you have not yet decided, please do so by Monday, October 22. Wednesday is a free dress for your students. Please send in $1.00 if your student chooses to participate. All […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, An addition to the weekly homework continue to help your child practice sight words. Take five or ten minutes each day to review these words. Please return sight words and envelope each week in the Red Homework Folder. A booklet on animals to read and review on our science unit. Have your […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Today we will have our first off campus field trip! In the morning we will walk to the Fire Station on Darling Road with Firefighter Thom Hoffman. This field trip makes interdisciplinary connections as we learn about people in our community (Social Studies) and (Geography) by understanding town, city and community. This […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Please note sight words are coming home this week as part of the homework packet. Return next Thursday in red folder with worksheets and reading web log. Homework this week includes searching for a saint that your child will portray. The annual Saints Parade is November 2. Please read this letter for […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are in the month of October! Pumpkin sales are happening this week. We are beginning our eighth week of school, time to see how your children are doing. On that note, Progress Reports are coming home tomorrow, Oct. 2. Please read and review your child’s progress, return signed Progress Report […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework for this week: In the red folder is a reading booklet and a math paper on patterns. Read booklet “Things I See” with your child. Do a Book Report on a favorite book at home, use “Book Nook” form. Put letters in ABC order on paper and on the ABCya website. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Our first Primary Centers was great! I want to thank all who were able to come and help. Your children enjoyed making fall crafts and traveling to the primary classrooms. Their clever creations are decorating our class-but will come home in a week or two. Our next Primary Center is […]
Kindergarten Families, Homework packet for this week is math and reading. Understanding graphs provide information and how to record data has been our focus this week. I am sending home a couple of practice papers to continue this skill at home and an interactive web link. Today we cut and assembled a booklet, Octopus in […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I would like to invite all parents to our Parent Meeting on Wednesday night from 6:30 to 7:30. I hope you can attend, topics include: CA standards, the transition to Common Core standards and how we assess students in our class and grade levels. Wednesday is a free dress day-please send in […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Homework is posted Friday, due Thursday of the following week. Please print out reading/web log, math and language arts worksheets. I will send home a RED folder on Friday use this to return all homework papers the following Thursday. This provides an option to work on the assignment on the […]