Dear Kindergarten Parents, What a nice Mother’s Day Sunday! I hope every mom enjoyed a special time with her children. Events for this week: Free dress on Wednesday –cost $1.00 all proceeds go to the Salvation Army. May Crowning on Wednesday at 2:00-parents are welcome as always! Friday is a full day of school. Remember […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Homework for this week: Read each night — link for reading /web log is below. Red folder has 2 homework pages included from our classroom textbooks. Phonemic awareness letter /x/ as an ending sound. Adding math facts-tell a story and draw a picture that corresponds with addends. ‘Weather Changes’ paper is available […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, As we move into this month of May, your children will discover the meaning of God’s gifts. Our focus is how to show and thank God for his gift of love. The Family Life Series will have us review God’s gift of love in our families. Chapter 22 in our Religion text […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Homework for this week: Phonics: short /i/ worksheet included in red homework folder. Read nightly and record on log. Practice sight words, envelopes in red folder. Two math papers-counting pennies, nickels, and dimes listed below to download and print. A fun worksheet to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Reading / Web Log Nickel […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are in the month of May! Our religion focus is on Mary. During the month of May we will be learning to pray the rosary. In our religion book, chapter 21, we have learned to appreciate light as a gift of God. Jesus being the light of the world. We […]
Kindergarten Families, This week I am sending home a reading booklet, two math worksheets, and a few interactive games. Have your child read the booklet to you. List on log and read each night for 10-20 minutes. Discuss what is happening in the stories as you read together. As your child reads help them to […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Earth Day projects will be made today as we discuss making good environmental choices. Please read below for a number of upcoming events: Today we will see Marla the Mermaid a hour program on marine life in the Channel Islands. As we did last […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework for this week is: as always to read each night. Please record books on the reading / web log. I have included a couple of worksheets and a rainbow puzzle to cut and paste on a separate sheet of paper. The web games follow our math focus this week, a word […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Here we are back to school! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Sunday and a great week of vacation. As we return to academics this week our focus is centered on Jesus and how he gave his life for us. Our religion text, Chapter 19 Seeds Are Good, which […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Holy Week, a short week, we be busy with religion related journals, finishing projects, and crafts. Wednesday we go to Mass, Thursday is a half-day and Friday starts our Easter Vacation. SLE focus is A.4, ‘Make good choices like Jesus.’ Our daily work will include sight word sentences, focus on letter and […]