Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I would like to express thanks to the grandparents, parents, and friends who were able to join us last Friday. I am sure everyone enjoyed seeing their kindergartner working in math centers, reading, and writing as we do each day. It is hard to believe that March is coming to […]
Reading online: wegivebooks this site gives books to others in need. Sign up and choose your campaign. Here is an online library: TumbleBooks check out the free trial. Remember our great school resource: the World Book online. A cute math game to rescue oceans animals called Oktas Rescue draw to group ‘oktas’, click to […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Spring is here! This week we will enjoy time inside for this rainy day week. Announcements: **Today, the Ladybug outreach program in the library. Cost is $4.00 –thank you for the quick response and timely payments. **Stations of the Cross will be today at 2:00, the next three weeks will continue with […]
Homework will normally come home on Friday to be returned the following Thursday. This time frame should fit the needs of all families and your busy schedules. Each week, interactive web links will be included with homework. I am hearing positive remarks about these links! Thursday I sent home a reading log, please read a […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Primary Centers was fun on Friday, all the little leprechauns enjoyed being in character as they worked on March crafts. Thank you parents/grandparents/and friends for all your help, we sure appreciate it. During Lent, we attend Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays at 2:00, if you can come a little early, please […]
Reading to Children: The Most Important Activity for You and Your Child! The importance of reading to children is obvious to every parent. Reading to children is one of the best ways to put them on the road to success – academically and personally. Try to find a quiet time each night to read together. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope everyone had a nice weekend and many of our classmates are feeling better. It is hard to believe we have only one trimester left in this school year! Mass on Ash Wednesday as we begin our Lenten journey. Faith concepts and virtues for religion: Our gift of life from God. […]
Dear Parents, As you help your child with the homework for the weekend or next week, here are some additional links one in honor of Dr. Seuss and Read Across America with several reading activities and games. Random House also has reading and interactive games, I am including a baseball game with rhyming words (Cat […]
The Children’s Bible is read and discussed most every day in our kindergarten class. This week we are reading the parables of Jesus and reflecting His message in our daily lives. The Parable of the Sower (the Farmer’s Seeds) and the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast have been a topic of great […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Happy Monday! A big thank you to all parents who were able to help with Primary Centers on Friday! We are ready for March whether it rains or comes in like a lion or a lamb! This week will be very busy finishing our land form project and getting ready for the […]