Dear Kindergarten Families, Busy week ahead! Wednesday we will be attending Mass for Ash Wednesday….if your schedule permits please join us. Our religion focus will be on love and a look at the 40 days of Lent. Wednesday is our Valentine’s Day exchange. We will make a simple craft in honor of this day of […]
The 6th grade has been reading The Cay. The main character, a young boy, becomes stranded on a raft. This week, the students worked in small groups to build their own rafts. The students were very creative in their designs and all of the rafts floated.
Dear Kindergarten Families, Follow Dr. Seuss’ quote and find some magic in books as you read together this coming week. Reading should be about 20 minutes per night. Have you child color in a heart on the February Book-it form each time they read. Please have students sign their name at bottom and parents please […]
The 6th grade hosted their 1st grade buddies on their trip to China. As the first grade travels the world the sixth grade class is researching landmarks and cities in several of countries and decorating the classroom to reflect the country and the culture. During the trip to China the first graders learned about The […]
Hello, HERE’S A LOOK AT OUR WEEK… HOMEWORK Fluency and Reading Log Math IXL: T.1/E.15/E.16 Language IXL: W.5 Study for spelling test on Friday. RELIGION: We continue to prepare for our Reconciliation. We will begin our new unit, The Eucharist on Thursday. We will review unit 3 and take our test on Thursday. 🙂 LANGUAGE […]
Tuesday we participated in a hands-on program learning more about the Colombian Mammoth and the Pygmy Mammoth lead by a Channel Island Ranger. We had fossils of a tusk, teeth, leg and foot bones to examine. Kindergarten and their buddies in 4th and 5th grade enjoyed learning about these mammals who lived in here and […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. This week, please take a moment to check your e-mail as detailed instructions have been sent for preparing your child’s “mailbox.” We will be decorating them in class on the 14th, but we’ll need your help cutting and prepping a cereal box in the days before. […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a full day of school. Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. Please join us for Mass if your schedule allows. Please see below an overview of our week: Math: We will be reviewing fractions and starting Unit 5. Social Studies: Our focus will be on comparing the settlements in the middle […]
Dear Parents, February 5, 2018 Here’s what we are doing in first grade… Language Arts: Now that we have our chapter titles, we are busy writing our chapters in our nonfiction chapter books! Within phonics, we will be focusing again on our vowel pairs. This week, we will look at “ai” and “ay”. Both […]
After all of the excitement of Catholic Schools Week, we return to a fairly normal schedule this week. We will be doing our third round of STAR testing on Wednesday and Thursday morning this week. Friday is a full day. Next Wednesday the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. I would like to do […]