Dear Kindergarten Families, A new month with much to do! I have had a few questions regarding the Saint’s Parade. Please bring your children to school in their saint costume. Kindergarten, first and second grade saints will precede together into church. They will sit in first few rows without buddies. Parents will need to find […]
Dear Parents, November 2, 2015 This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: We will be finishing up theme 3 in our reading series this week. Our reading strategy is “questioning”. Before reading a story, we look at the cover, the title and the pictures and make a prediction about what the story […]
Middle School students enjoyed combining science and Halloween during Thursday labs this week. Students learned about carbon dioxide and just how important this substance is in their daily lives – through our use of fossil fuels. Students got to “play” with frozen carbon dioxide…better known as dry ice. It is not “ice” at all because […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We are enjoying the Saint’s reports and fiction book reports from last week! This coming week find the October Young Explorer magazine in your child’s homework folder. Read together or a non-fiction book and use the form below. Continue with tracking app for reading or use the November Reading Log color the […]
Kindergarten, First & Second Grade students, their families, and teachers are preparing for this year’s longstanding Sacred Heart School tradition. With each student dressed as a saint, the kinder, first, and second grade students enter the church with the priest and altar servers and sit in the first pews throughout the Mass. As Mass ends, […]
General items of interest: On Wednesday is the Living Rosary, in church at 2 p.m. Please join us if you can. I am collecting money this week for Halloween tattoos; the eighth graders will be applying these on Friday after Mass. The cost is $1 per tattoo; students may purchase as many as they would […]
Dear Families, All this week students may bring money to school for Halloween tattoos. Each tattoo is $1.00. This Friday is free dress for Halloween and a noon dismissal. Every night students should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science notes in addition to any other homework they may have. Religion: On Wednesday we will […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, Happy (almost) Halloween! This Friday will be a free dress day. As with all free dress days, students should arrive in comfortable, school appropriate play clothes. This week in class… Math: Unit 3: Measurement. We will begin to wrap up the unit with an in-depth study of perimeter and area. As […]
Hello, Second Grade Families! Homework Reading Log: Remember to have the students read for 20 minutes a day aloud. CLICK HERE FOR FLUENCY IXL: P.3 and K.1 (If your child completed this assignment last week, he/she does not need to do it again.) On Thursday, I will be sending home a typed paragraph of what […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Monday we are walking field trip to the Fire Station, led by Fire Fighter Captain Thom Hoffman. We will be with our 4th grade buddies as they review fire safety and we tour the fire station. This field trip will connect with our learning about community helpers and fire safety. Be sure […]