On Friday September 1 the middle school students celebrated Care for Creation Day. We started with a prayer service and then each grade worked on a project. In 6th grade students drew a picture which featured the sun, moon, water, plants, and animals. Thee 7th grade drew their favorite flower and then colored it and […]
Illness keeps all of the MS teachers from being able to meet on Monday, September 11 as originally scheduled. There will be no Back to School for the MS classes as originally planned for Monday. As we see healthy conditions restored, we will announce the new date for families to meet with all three of […]
Mrs Brown, Mrs Driscoll, and Mrs Giacolone look forward to meeting with family members from each of the primary grades on Tuesday afternoon at 5p. In each classroom, the teacher will share a 20-minute presentation and each will have all the necessary information in a handout that will be emailed or sent home following the […]
Welcome Sacred Heart faculty and staff, students, family, friends, and of course, the Class of 2023! Well, here we are. We made it to the big day. For many of you, I have had the privilege of being your teacher three times. When I look out at you now, I see flashes of those young […]
Mrs. Basamanowicz, Mrs. Petersen, and the 8th Grade are preparing for the Annual Field Day that begins their graduation celebration as various stations are set up for all “school families” to enjoy. This year the 8th Grade would like the families to sport the colors of their favorite ice cream! Please check the list below […]
Dear Kindergarten families, The count down in single digits has begun! Thursday we will be counting only 8 days left of school. Hard to believe your children are already finishing up this school year, getting ready for summer and first grade! Your children have a letter with important information for Family Field Day on June […]
This is it! The end of Middle School classes grows closer! Today is the last day the 8th grade class wears their Sacred Heart uniforms to school. Starting tomorrow, until the Graduation on Wednesday, June 7, each school day they may wear free dress choices as part of their celebration of the end of this […]
Hello 4th Grade Families! Here’s a look at our week: Important Dates: Homework: Our Week In Class: Have a great week, Ms. Schmaeling
Hello 4th Grade Families! I hope all had a wonderful Mother’s Day this past weekend. Thank you for coming and supporting our school at In-N-Out Day last Friday too! Important Dates: Homework: Our Week In Class: Have a great week, Ms. Schmaeling
Third grade families, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend spent with family & loved ones! I cannot believe this is our last FULL week of third grade! Important Dates Weekly Homework **THIS IS OUR FINAL WEEK OF HOMEWORK!** Sneak Peek To Our Academic Week Almost there! Have a great week!Miss Poindexter