Dear Second Grade Families, We have a short week as we begin our week on a Tuesday! Look for First Communion Pictures in your Wednesday folder. IN THE CLASSROOM… HOMEWORK: Reading Log and Unit Review Math Worksheet (sent home with your child)…We will take our Unit 7 Math test on Friday. You will notice Mode […]
Dear Parents, May 27, 2014 We have completed all of our Language Art Themes for first grade! Woo-Hoo! We will review all reading strategies, comprehension skills, grammar, and phonics we have learned thus far, within the last days of the school year! In math, we will […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Your students requested homework! Listed below are their favorite educational game sites. If your not lounging at the beach, park, or off camping ….when time allows…the reading log and games are linked below. Please do a little reading…return the reading log next Thursday with books or chapters listed. Reading / Web […]
The 6th grade participated in a fun art lesson provided by the City of Ventura. The art teacher has lived in Japan and taught the students how to cut out different shapes to create a flying carp. She also taught the students several words in Japanese and shared many interesting facts on their culture. The […]
Dear Second Grade Parents, We have only 4 days this week. We will start our Memorial Day weekend on Friday. There will also be no school on Monday, May 26th. A Peek at our Academic Week: Homework: READING LOG, Math worksheet (sent home with your child), Fluency RELIGION: Family Life Unit: We are discussing how […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Monday is our 3rd Jogathon Free Dress Day. Wednesday is a Sports Theme Free Dress for a $1.00 donation. There is no school on Friday. We will have an early start to our Memorial Day weekend. We will all return to school on Tuesday, May 27th. Below is an overview of […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, Mark your calendars because there is a lot going on this week! Monday and Wednesday are free dress days — Wednesday’s being for a $1 donation (or more!) with a sports theme. We are completing several chapters in class (see below). And finally, school is not in session Friday or the […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week we begin Chapter 23 in our religion books. We will discuss air and wind. I am hoping this will help us understand the invisible reality of the Holy Spirit, whose help brings us to love others and to be good stewards for the Earth. ELA: has us working in theme […]
Dear Parents, May 19, 2014 A big “Thank you!” to Mr. M. Perez for coming into our classroom on Friday to discuss safety and to show us his police motorcycle! Every student present took a picture on the motorcycle. I will be emailing those to parents by the end of […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Read each night for 20 minutes. Record book and time on reading/web log. Choose from one of the books read and do a book response: discuss with your child what to report on either fiction or non-fiction book. Everyday Math worksheet – this number grid puzzle was introduced in class. Your student […]