Dear Kindergarten Parents, Another great week of book reports! Continue to read and list books on reading log. I have had a few questions about the ‘shamrock’ print out. We display this shamrock in class it is for reading a book or two in addition to the daily 20 minutes of reading. Your child will […]
The Raft Game from Everyday Math helped reinforce counting by fives. Today in the lab, kindergarten students enjoyed using these rafts for a sink and float experiment. Check out this clip: my raft
Dear Second Grade Families, Wow! Can you believe it’s the end of the 2nd Trimester! We are working hard on wrapping up our week. Today, I sent home a letter regarding Reconciliation and First Communion. If you have any questions regarding either, please send me an email. Reconciliation Letter IN THE SECOND GRADE CLASSROOM… Homework: […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, This being the last week of Trimester 2, the class will be working toward tying up any loose ends and closing out a couple units along the way. This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: The class will wrap up Unit 6 (Geometry) covering lessons with a CCSS focused review […]
Dear Families, In the fifth grade class we have a change jar where we are collecting change for This is an organization that provides food for needy children. Our goal in our classroom is to raise $80.00 by change alone. I am hoping to demonstrate that small change can make a huge difference in […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Monday! This week we will attend the Stations of the Cross on Wednesday at 2:00. Please join us if your schedule permits. It was nice to have parents and/or relatives join us on Ash Wednesday. I would like to help Mr. Doswell’s class with the RAIN project in Camarillo. This organization […]
Dear Parents, March 10, 2014 Our reading strategy this week is “questioning”. Good readers question before they start reading, as well as, during reading. The comprehension skill that will help is “fantasy/realism”. Using our everyday experiences to determine if events in a story can really happen […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I cannot say enough about reading! Reading exercises our brains, improves our concentration, increases vocabulary, and teaches us about the world around us. Required homework: This week as always read for 15-20 minutes each day and record on log. Read an extra book and send in a note or download this shamrock […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, The School Fair solar system projects were out of this world! What a pleasure it was so see everyone admiring your hard work last Wednesday. You have really outdone yourselves. This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: The class will continue with Unit 6 (Geometry) covering lessons 6.10, 6.11 and […]
Dear Second Grade Families, It was great to see many of you at the School Fair. The students did a great job on their Flat Person presentation boards. They will be going home today with their grade on the back of their board. This will count towards their Social Studies participation. We will begin our […]