Dear Fifth Grade Families, Thank you all for coming to Back to School Night. I am excited for the year. If you have not already done so please return the permission slip and monies for the September 10th fieldtrip to Ronald Reagan Library. This Friday is a noon dismissal for a staff meeting. Tuesday packets […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, The first full week of school was busy! Your children were exposed to many school activities and other students while getting used to our daily routine. And they did very well. This week will consist of a more ‘normal’ weekly schedule. Friday we have a noon dismissal and I will send home […]
Dear Parents, August 26, 2013 It was wonderful seeing many of you at Back-to-School Night! Thank you for your constant support of SHS! To those whose schedules prevented you from attending, if you have any questions please be sure to email me and keep a watchful eye on […]
Every Thursday the Class of 2014 will read and discuss the upcoming Sunday Gospel. This is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time and the Gospel comes from Luke. The main message of the Gospel is that we need to be our best to keep the door of Heaven open to us in the next life. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your students are asking for homework! I post homework on our website each Friday – please return the reading log the following Thursday. Look for this red homework folder in your child’s gold envelope. Reading together each night is essential. Reading builds confidence, vocabulary, basic speech skills, connecting ideas, and helps in […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are on the first full week of school! Your children are excited and ready to work. The routines are being established with class materials as we work in academic centers for language arts and math. Today we enjoyed our singing in our music class! Religion focus: Welcomes are Good! We […]
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes are off to a great start in History and Religion. We are already working in our journals on geography activities using the Kindles and taking notes in history. Each class has read from their Catholic youth Bibles and begun self reflection on how to improve their relationship with […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Welcome to the Second Grade! We had a busy three days last week going over classroom expectations. Everyday is a full day this week with many exciting academic adventures. We will be visiting many familiar rooms on our campus such as the computer lab, science lab & library but with second […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Welcome Back! This is our first full week of school! I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday for Back to School Night at 6:30. Friday, August 23 is the PTC Back to School potluck at 5:30. I hope so see everyone there! We will begin reading our first book, We […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I can’t believe we’re already into our first full week of school! This week we begin homework assignments! From this day forward they can be found on the school website under Third Grade. Reading logs are assigned each week and available for download on the website, embedded in links within the […]