Dear Fifth Grade, There is only three weeks left in the school year. The fifth grade class in going to be very busy. Wednesday and Friday this week is Jogathon Free Dress. Wednesday is also the PTC Pizza and Slide Show at 6:30. Friday is a School wide Centers and a noon dismissal. Every night […]
This week in grade 4: Math: geometry English: progressive verbs Reading: King Arthur and his Knights Social Studies: Map Work, List 8 vocabulary TEST will be Wednesday Religion: Ten Commandments Friday is collaborative groups and is also a noon dismissal day. California Wax Museum is one week from Wednesday! Please make sure your child is […]
Dear Third Grade Families, There are only 3 weeks of school remaining and we plan to make the most of our time in order to prepare for the challenges and demands of fourth grade. This week we plan to study the following: Math: Now that we have completed our unit on geometry, I plan to […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It is amazing that June is already here. This year went by so fast, but we are not finished yet! We still have much to do as we complete this school year. Your children are doing a wonderful job! I am very proud of their growth and success in kindergarten. Our religion […]
Dear Parents, June 3, 2013 Can you believe it is June already?! The time is flying by and before you know it, we will be on summer break! We are continuing on with our review of first grade! This includes all reading strategies, […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week you will find two math papers and the reading log for homework. Websites to expand learning-a new one for everyday sight word practice. Reading Log math worksheets websites: Roy the Zebra (days/months/colors/number word practice) Concentration (select 1-10) Otka’s Rescue (counting / hand-eye coordination) Picture Match (select short vowel /u/) enjoy […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, I hope everyone had a restful long weekend. This Friday is a noon dismissal. This Thursday we will be having our Harvest of the Month with Mrs. Hoffman. On June 3rd the fifth grade class will be going to Food Share for a fieldtrip. We are collecting cans of food to […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and was able to get some rest in. This week we plan to hit the ground running doing all we can to prepare for the coming demands of fourth grade. This week we plan to study the following: Math: We will finally wrap up […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We have a short week as we begin our week on a Tuesday! Tuesday folders will be sent home tomorrow. IN THE CLASSROOM… HOMEWORK: Reading Log only (sent home). Last week, I sent home an interview questionnaire that will be due on Thursday. FIELDTRIP: We will leave at 8:30 a.m. and […]
This week in fourth grade: Math: geometry English: prepositions Reading: King Arthur Social Studies: Week 28 “California’s State Government” Science: Vocabulary test (chapter 9) on Wednesday All students should be completing their wax museum presentations. Each student needs to bring me a copy of what they are memorizing for the evening. This will take place […]