The 6th grade has spent the last 8 weeks studying Ancient Greece. We have learned about their geography, government, daily life and culture, and their contributions to our world today. Visiting the Getty Villa in April was a highlight of our studies. The students completed various projects to demonstrate their knowledge of Ancient Greece. The […]
The 8th grade class has spent the last 2 months studying the United States Civil War. We have examined the causes, the battles, the strengths and weaknesses of the Union and Confederate armies, and the effect the war had on the nation. As the final product the class worked on Weebly websites, created magazines, composed […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Wednesday is Free Dress for $1.00. Wednesday is also our Talent Show at 6:30. Friday is our Jogathon. Please be sure to have your permission slip returned before Friday. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science notes. By Friday every student needs to have completed three […]
The fourth grade chapter 9 math test will be given Tuesday, May 21st. Friday will be occupied with the jog-a-thon (what was I thinking?) Mrs. Sharon Redmond
Dear Third Grade Families, Mark your calendars! This Thursday is our final field trip to the Museum of Ventura County where we will study the Chumash people. As a general reminder, no student may attend a class field trip without a signed permission slip. Parent permission may not be given over the telephone. Students should […]
Dear Second Grade Families, I hope all our second grade mom’s had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Our Academic Week: Homework: Common Core Homework and Reading Log was sent home with your child. RELIGION: We are continuing to follow Jesus by making good choices as children of God, and learning about the mass. This is the […]
The big news for this week is the Friday jog-a-thon! Thank you to those who are supporting this wonderful day! We are all looking forward to having a great time out on the field. Also for the week: Math: Chapter 9 TEST will be Friday Spelling: Homophones (each child has a copy of the 19 […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope all moms enjoyed their day with family! This week our religion lesson follows the special seasons and days from the Liturgical Calendar. This coming Sunday is Pentecost, in class we will celebrate the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ gift to us. Click on Holy Spirit for a prayer we will be praying […]
This Sunday’s Mass will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. Last week during our religion lesson we read about Jesus going home again. We acted out how his disciples felt when they saw Jesus lift his arms and ascend in the sky. As he moved upward a cloud covered him. Your students were moved by […]
Dear Parents, May 13, 2013 Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you all enjoyed your Mother’s Day gift and card! We are continuing on with Theme 10. Our reading strategy this week is summarizing. The comprehension skill that will help us with this is sequence of events. […]