Dear Fifth Grade Families, This is a busy week for the class. On Wednesday we have Stations of the Cross at 2pm. Thursday the Combined Private School Band will be performing. Friday is a full day and we will be celebrating Read Across America. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and […]
Week of February 25-March 1, 2013 Dear Second Grade Families, I hope all of you had an exciting weekend. I imagine most of you got started on the Flat Person project. Please let me know if you need any guidance. Flat Students keep coming in everyday!!!! Please give your Flat Host a call to make […]
Dear Third Grade Families, We have a busy week ahead of us. Friday, March 1st is “Read Across America”. At this time we will be celebrating reading! It also coincides with Dr. Seuss’s birthday, so many related activities will be taking place including time with our school wide “families”! Math: We continue with Chapter 9 […]
If your schedule allows, please join us as our 8th grade students lead us through the Stations of the Cross each Wednesday of the Lenten season. Listening as the eighth grade students read, our students will review and reflect on the passion & death of Jesus and anticipate the celebration of His Resurrection.
IT IS ALMOST HERE!! THE SCHOOL FAIR PROJECTS ARE DUE NEXT TUESDAY!! I am excited to see the projects the students have been talking about. It sounds like we are going to have some very special displays! Our school fair will be held next Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30 PM. This week: Math: A test […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Another exciting week in Kindergarten! Our Lenten Journey continues as we show acts of kindness, growing in our love and learning how important it is to give to those in need. We started seeds on Ash Wednesday, watching them grow helps us to remember to care for our family and friends. Stations […]
Dear Parents, February 25, 2013 I hope all had an enjoyable weekend! Get ready for a long full week with some very exciting activities! We are starting theme 7 in language arts – We Can Work It Out! Our reading strategy is summarizing and our comprehension skill that helps us […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, In the red homework folder you will find Chapter 5 math test paper. On the back a calendar game-this is an excellent way for your child to continue working with days of the week and understanding calendar. Use pennies to cover days as you spin and play. Read Chapter 6 booklet together […]
Today SHS began the second week of Lent with the first of 5 Station of the Cross liturgical services. The Stations are led by the Class of 2013 and all grades participate in the service. There are prayers, meditations, and singing during the Way of the Cross.
The 6th grade has spent the last two art classes drawing and using pastels to create Chinese dragons. We studied the use of color blocking for dramatic effect. The pictures are amazing!