Dear Fifth Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. This Friday is Parent Day and a noon dismissal. We will begin with Mass at 8:30. I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science notes. By Friday every student needs to have […]
This Friday kicks off Catholic Schools Week as we celebrate parents! I hope a lot of you will be able to join us Friday morning. Papers will go home next Tuesday. We have just a few this week so I will add them to next week’s packet. This week: Math: I will give the chapter […]
Week of January 22-25, 2012 Dear Second Grade Families, I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weekend with your family. Thank you to all the parents and grandma for helping out in our primary center day. We enjoyed making our 100th day projects. We could not have done it without all of you. This week […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, We had a fantastic center day last Friday marking our 100 days of school. I appreciate all the parents who are able to come in and those who help us with so many other projects at home. Thank you all! A look ahead: Friday, February 8 is the next school […]
Dear Parents, January 22, 2013 Well, we made it to the 100th day of school on Friday and now for 100 more! A very big, “Thank you!” to those who were able to help during Primary Centers on Friday. The children (and me, too!) enjoy seeing you in […]
The middle school participated in Schoolwide Centers on Friday with the theme of 100 days of school. In Mrs. Clemmensen’s activity each group researched a hundred year time period from the 1st to the 21st century. The groups researched the time period and completed a poster with important events from that 100 year period. The […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We have a three-day weekend to remember a great man, Dr. Martin Luther King. A worksheet is linked to download and print – follow directions and return with reading log on Thursday, January 24. Click here for worksheet and log: MLK-worksheet Reading /Web Log We just reached the 1/2 way […]
The SHS 8th grade class had the privilege of visiting with a group of SHS parish senior citizens during their monthly potluck. The students brought over delicious cookies made by a room mom for the parish members. The students then asked a few questions of the seniors to learn more about their opinions and lives. […]
We had a look at 3 types of soil in the lab on Tuesday. Your students experimented with sand, clay and topsoil for absorption and drainage. Using our senses we observed with lenses and used our hands to feel and record different types of soil. Then we used beakers topped with secured coffee filters, added […]
The sixth grade is studying Ancient Egypt which is always a class favorite. Today we learned about a female ruler or pharaoh named Hatshepsut who ruled Egypt in 1473 B.C.E. One of her achievements was the building of obelisks. These obelisks were placed at the temple of the sun god Amon-Ra at Karnak. The purpose […]