Dear Kindergarten Parents, I am happy to see many of your little “saints” have a Saint to portray for our annual Saint’s Parade. If you have not yet decided, please do so by Monday, October 22. Wednesday is a free dress for your students. Please send in $1.00 if your student chooses to participate. All […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Wednesday is another Free Dress Day. Please remember to bring $1 if your child plans to participate. All money collected will go directly to the Adopt-a-Family program. Friday is a full day with Families in the afternoon. We will be observing Celebrate Writing Day – a national day of writing! Math: […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, This Wednesday is Free Dress for a donation of $1.00. This Friday is a full day schedule. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science notes. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions […]
I realized that I had neglected to remind all that the mystery book for our next book report is due this Wednesday, October 17th. I am also giving the second social studies vocabulary test this Thursday. Thank you! Mrs. Sharon Redmond
Dear 2nd Grade Parents, Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that helped make our Primary Centers successful. Our class was busy last week researching about their Saints in class, school library and at home. All of the Saint reports are due on Tuesday. We will have our $1.00 free dress on Wednesday, […]
This week in grade four we continue our discussion of the earliest California natives. The students will also try their hand at basket weaving (the paper kind!) It is always a lot of fun. The children continue to write essays on a memorable vacation or family celebration. I am walking them through the steps of […]
This Sunday is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel is very timely this week. It discusses the ways to follow Jesus. The students in 8th grade focused on how we need to follow the Ten Commandments and share our many gifts, talents, and resources with others. In the 7th grade the students are […]
Dear Parents, October 15, 2012 Well, you may know that we had a very exciting time in science this past week! We had the chance to observe three goldfish as part of our study of animal body parts. Since then these […]
8th grade students read the nonfiction article “Out of the Tornado”. As a follow-up activity, they researched historical accounts of local or state disasters and wrote a poem about what happened. Here are a few examples for you to enjoy. The Great San Francisco Earthquake by Anna Houses, buildings toppling over “Crash” they went as […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, An addition to the weekly homework continue to help your child practice sight words. Take five or ten minutes each day to review these words. Please return sight words and envelope each week in the Red Homework Folder. A booklet on animals to read and review on our science unit. Have your […]