Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework for this week: In the red folder is a reading booklet and a math paper on patterns. Read booklet “Things I See” with your child. Do a Book Report on a favorite book at home, use “Book Nook” form. Put letters in ABC order on paper and on the ABCya website. […]
Middle school parents and students- I called Pearson to find out why some people were having difficulty opening the ebook. They told me that it is necessary for you to download the updated versions of the following: Adobe flash player Adobe shockwave player Quicktime javascript I hope this information helps to solve the problem. Let […]
Fourth graders have been busy! The ITBS testing has gone very well and tomorrow will be our last day of tests. The books reports are completed and we are wrapping up unit one in language arts. Life science continues as we begin exploring the interactions of living things. Today, students added paint to our CA […]
The middle school teachers have added a new section to the weekly workpackets. Each teacher will have a Kindle Korner listing any downloaded apps used in the classroom for the past week on the workpacket. We hope this improves communication between students, parents, and teachers regarding downloaded apps during school time. If there is a […]
Dear Third Grade Families, This week we will continue with testing, turning our attention to the CogAT. As always, please make sure that your child is well rested and at school on time every morning, as we will begin testing promptly at 8:00 and continue up until recess. In third grade, students take the CogAT […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, We will begin our last week of ITBS testing. We will be testing every morning. Please make sure that your child has a healthy breakfast, plenty of rest, and arrives to school on time. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. Please feel free to contact me if […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We are entering our second and last week of ITBS testing. I have spread out the testing so as not to be so overwhelming. The second graders are doing their best in all the areas. We are looking forward to our last day of testing on Thursday. I hope to see […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Our first Primary Centers was great! I want to thank all who were able to come and help. Your children enjoyed making fall crafts and traveling to the primary classrooms. Their clever creations are decorating our class-but will come home in a week or two. Our next Primary Center is […]
Dear Parents, September 23, 2012 A BIG “Thank You!” to the parents and special friends that volunteered in our classroom on Friday for Primary Centers! The students had a wonderful time! Our reading strategy this week is evaluation and our comprehension skill that will help with evaluating a story is cause and effect. Paying attention […]
Kindergarten Families, Homework packet for this week is math and reading. Understanding graphs provide information and how to record data has been our focus this week. I am sending home a couple of practice papers to continue this skill at home and an interactive web link. Today we cut and assembled a booklet, Octopus in […]