7th grade has been studying Picasso and cubism in art. Their colorful portraits are on display in room 7.
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I would like to invite all parents to our Parent Meeting on Wednesday night from 6:30 to 7:30. I hope you can attend, topics include: CA standards, the transition to Common Core standards and how we assess students in our class and grade levels. Wednesday is a free dress day-please send in […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, We will begin ITBS testing on September 17, 2012. We will be testing every morning. Please make sure that your child has a healthy breakfast, plenty of rest, and arrives to school on time. Wednesday, September 19 is our Parent Meeting at 6:30 in Biedermann Hall. Wednesday is also a Free […]
This week we will begin our days with ITBS testing (except Friday.) Fourth grade will be testing for about an hour each morning. There will be no spelling words given this week. During testing weeks I try to lessen the academic load a bit. Homework will be very light. We will still have our science […]
Dear Second Grade Families, This week marks the beginning of the ITBS testing or Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Second Grade is the first grade level where we begin the ITBS testing. We will have about 9 days to complete the entire test. Our testing period for each day will be from 8:15-10:00. There are […]
Dear Parents, September 16, 2012 In language arts this week, we will work on the consonants n, f, p, and we will keep working on short /a/. Since we are still working on short /a/ there will not be any new spelling words […]
Dear Third Grade Families, This Monday will mark the beginning of ITBS/CogAT Testing. We will test every morning for the duration of this week and next, ending our testing next Thursday. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep, has a healthy breakfast and arrives to school on time every morning. As always, […]
Today the 8th grade class had a fall retreat. The purpose of the retreat was to build the community of the class. We opened with a powerful Gospel telling us to love our enemies. After a brief discussion the students discussed their faith in small groups. Next they created skits about the different Fruits of […]
This Sunday is the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel focuses on Jesus preparing the Disciples for his suffering, death and resurrection. The 8th grade discussed the feelings of Peter when he realizes Jesus is the Messiah but will also experience suffering. The class then wrote reflections on how they can show concern for […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Homework is posted Friday, due Thursday of the following week. Please print out reading/web log, math and language arts worksheets. I will send home a RED folder on Friday use this to return all homework papers the following Thursday. This provides an option to work on the assignment on the […]