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weekly newsletter 4/23

3rd Grade By April 24, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, It feels good to be back at school. I was in New York for the past couple of days. This will be a very busy and eventful week, so let’s hit the ground running! Starting on Tuesday, our class will begin recitation for the annual school poetry contest. Five students will […]


Week of April 23-27, 2012

2nd Grade By April 23, 2012 No Comments

Dear Second Grade Families, This is another busy week for all second graders. We will begin classroom poem presentations. Everyone will do this, as this is part of Language Arts. Those desiring to go on for the speech contest will be chosen and notified by this Friday. This is always a tough decision as there […]


April 23, 2012

5th Grade By April 23, 2012 No Comments

Dear Families, This is a very busy week for out fifth grade class.  We begin to recite our poems in class on Wednesday and Thursday.  This Friday is our Jonathon.  Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform.    We will also have a noon dismissal on Friday. Next Monday is our  field trip to the […]


Fourth Grade Week April 23rd

4th Grade By April 23, 2012 No Comments

Today we began hearing the poems students have been memorizing.  We will continue with this through Thursday.  I will then choose five to go to finals.  This is a graded assignment and will be entered as an English grade. Tomorrow will be our chapter 9 math test.  We then begin our geometry unit.  Wednesday I […]


Week of April 23

Kindergarten By April 22, 2012 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Earth Day projects will be made today as we discuss making good environmental choices. Please read below for a number of upcoming events: Today we will see Marla the Mermaid a hour program on marine life in the Channel Islands. As we did last […]


Weekly Newsletter!

1st Grade By April 22, 2012 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                 April 23, 2012 Our reading strategy this week is evaluating.  The comprehension skill that will help us with evaluating is story structure.  Knowing the setting, the characters, the problem, and solution in the story and being able […]


Homework 4-20-12

Kindergarten By April 18, 2012 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework for this week is: as always to read each night. Please record books on the reading / web log. I have included a couple of worksheets and a rainbow puzzle to cut and paste on a separate sheet of paper.  The web games follow our math focus this week, a word […]


April 16, 2012

5th Grade By April 16, 2012 No Comments

Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful vacation.  We are very excited to be back!  Students will present their poems in class next Wednesday and Thursday.  Please make sure that your child is practicing at home. Next Monday is our field trip   to the Oxnard Performing Arts Center to see “Ellis Island, Coming […]
