Dear Parents, February 21, 2012 We are starting theme 7 in language arts – We Can Work It Out! Our reading strategy is summarizing and our comprehension skill that helps us with this is problem solving. In order to summarize a story, it is helpful to recognize the problem and the solution in the story. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, The homework this week is reading. No work sheets. Relax and enjoy this three-day weekend! Sight words will come home again on Tuesday along with the red folder. Your children are doing a great job. This week’s homework will consist of a reading / web log. It can be downloaded […]
This Sunday is the seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel from Mark tells the story of a paralyzed man who has amazing friends. Jesus is resting at home and many people come to see him. It is so crowded no one can get into the house. The paralyzed man is lowered into the house […]
Week of February 13-17, 2012 Dear Second Grade Families, Tomorrow we celebrate VALENTINE’S DAY with Valentine math, language arts, reading, bag decorating and a celebration. It will be fun. Valentine letters with a thank you and request for the return of flat second graders has been sent. We are still receiving some mail from our […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Tomorrow we will celebrate Valentine’s Day with academic worksheets geared to the holiday and end the day with our class party. I will miss all your children for the next three days. I’ll be back on Friday, which is a half day of school. Followed by a three-day weekend as we observe […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. This Tuesday we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a class party on Tuesday afternoon. This Friday is a noon dismissal. There is no school next Monday, enjoy President’s Day. Below is an overview for our week Voc: Unit 10 Spelling: Unit 16 Math: Adding and […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! Our class mailboxes were decorated Friday afternoon and are absolutely adorable. Now, we’re ready to fill them up with cards from friends. On Tuesday we will celebrate with a variety of Valentine’s Day themed activities culminating in our class party. Thank you in advance to the room moms […]
Dear Parents, February 13, 2012 Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Tuesday with a party in the afternoon put on by our room parents! I am looking forward to it almost as much as the students as we will be able to use the mailboxes we made […]
Happy Valentine’s Week! Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th we will have our Valentine party. From 1:30 until 2:30, students will be exchanging cards and having treats. I know it will be a fun time! Thursday morning will be our California Gold Rush presentation. Students will pan for gold, shop for supplies, and enjoy learning more about […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, As we prepare for our School Fair in March, we will be using the World Book Web found on our school website. You can find it easily on the right side of the home page. User name and passwords will be sent home in this week’s red homework folder. I would like […]