Dear Families, We begin our ITBS testing this week. The testing will last for two weeks. We will start testing Tuesday morning. Please make sure your child is well rested and has had a good breakfast before school. Our academic routine will be lighter these next two weeks as we will be focusing on ITBS […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your children enjoyed sharing their “Me Cube” we have them hanging in class. They are proud of their family pictures/drawings, their favorites –especially foods, (which was pizza and ice cream for most every student!) I have enjoyed reading the origin, meaning, and why you choose their name. Stories Are Good, the third […]
Dear Third Grade Families, This Tuesday will mark the beginning of ITBS Testing. We will test every morning for the duration of this week and next, ending our testing next Thursday. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep, has a healthy breakfast and arrives to school on time every morning. As always, […]
This week we begin ITBS testing. I will test in the morning and spread the testing over the next two week period. It is especially important that you make sure your children are well rested and have had a hearty breakfast before they arrive at school We will continue our academic routine as best we […]
Dear Parents, September 19, 2011 Our reading strategy this week is evaluation and our comprehension skill that will help with evaluating a story is cause and effect. Paying attention to what causes something to happen can help us understand the story and evaluate whether we enjoyed the story or not and why. Please practice this […]
To pronounce the name of Jesus reverently is to show respect for him. We are so loved by God, he knows all of us by name. We are a gift of God. In the second chapter of our religion book, our kindergartners have talked about the importance of their names. We are learning to pronounce […]
This Sunday is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time and the Gospel discusses fairness and justice. We have been looking at the difference in what is fair and just all year. Today the 8th grade really grasped the idea that helping people in need is Catholic social justice in action. The students reflected on the […]
Since August 22nd the girls of this year’s volleyball team have been practicing really hard. We are looking forward to a great season ahead. Our first game is on September 22nd at Our Lady of the Assumption School. We hope to see many of you there to support us! By Gabby
Dear third grade families, It was a pleasure meeting so many grandparents on Friday. The third grade had a lot of fun making family trees that will be displayed in our classroom this week. I also took pictures of students with their grandparents. You can look forward to these when I send home the family […]
Dear Families, It was so wonderful to see so many Grandparents on Friday! The students were so excited! This week we will continue selling water on Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you for your support. This Wednesday is Picture Day. Please have your child wear their school uniform. I would like to express to you how […]