The middle school classes are preparing for the season of Lent. The students will be participating in a retreat to better understand the meaning of Lent. The youth ministers from the parish and the middle school teachers are preparing for this retreat. In addition each class is reviewing the Catholic Church requirements for Lent. The […]
First Grade has started their Lenten Journey. We are going to use this time to become closer to God. Each of us has “given up” something for Lent and has made a promise to do “an act of kindness” everyday. When we complete an act of kindness, we write it on a strip of paper […]
Today in religion we looked again at the Liturgical calendar. We saw that on this day we move from Ordinary Time into Lent. This season begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter. We discussed purple as the color that marks this season and many students made the connection with the banners and priest’s vestments […]
In continuing our discussion of the mass, we have talked about how God accepted all the sacrifices of the early Christians as signs of man’s sorrow for sin, but still the debt was not paid. God loved His people so much and wanted them to be with Him forever in heaven. This is why he […]
We were blessed today with a visit from Father O’Sullivan. He talked to us about the Communion of Saints and the true meaning of Lent. Father O’Sullivan also discussed how Catholics throughout history have persevered even when they were being persecuted. We look forward to another visit from Father O’Sullivan.
Dear Third Grade Families, Can you believe it? We’re on our very last trimester of the year! Report cards will go home Tuesday, March 15th. We have an exciting week ahead of us. Firstly, we are moving forward in math from multiplication and division and on to territory: geometry! However, although we will not be […]
Dear Second Grade Families, The School Fair was a great success. All enjoyed the hard work accomplished by SHS students, as well as our own second grade “The Adventures of Flat People”. At this writing, there are still three flat people out and about. Every year brings a new flat person adventure. This year it […]
Today in class we read a true story about a little girl in Afghanistan. After we read the story we located Afghanistan on our new map and marked it with a push pen. We are going to continue to read stories from around the world and use our map skills to find the locations. I […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful weekend. We will be very busy in the fifth grade this week. We will be delivering the donuts from our sale on Tuesday of this week. This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday please join us for mass if you are able to. Below is an overview of our […]
March 7, 2011 As we approach Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, fourth graders are thinking of ways they can be more like Jesus and do things to help others. Don’t be surprised if someone helps out around the house without being asked! We are also discussing the Rosary. If your child has Rosary […]