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11-22-10 Weekly Letter

1st Grade By November 21, 2010 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     November 22, 2010 We have much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving week and at the top of my list is YOU!  Thank you for all your support and for sharing your children with me.  They make me smile everyday! This is a very short week and therefore we will concentrate on […]


November 22

Kindergarten By November 20, 2010 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Our thankful week! It sure came quickly. This short week our academics will focus on Thanksgiving today and long ago. No homework packet this week—that may be something to be thankful for as well! November 24 is Kaytlin’s birthday!  She will celebrate her sixth birthday on Tuesday with our class at lunch. Wednesday school dismisses at […]


November 15

Kindergarten By November 15, 2010 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Monday! The Chumash Acorn outreach program was a big hit! Your children enjoyed many hands-on activities learning how Chumash Natives lived years ago. Homework News–I would like to have your child use a website for one component of homework for the week. This would be to create a comic with sight […]


November 15-19, 2010

2nd Grade By November 15, 2010 No Comments

Dear Second Grade Families, Our field trip to the California Oil Museum in Santa Paula is this Thursday. NOVEMBER HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES: How is this coming? This should be a fun family time activity. Remember you are helping your child with time management skills when the activities are spread out during the month and not zipped […]
