Today our class will be in the Science Lab moving water in celery. We are going to collaborate together, predict and observe what happens when celery is put in water with food coloring.
Sixth graders are now divided randomly into two math groups: the Cool Cubes and Apple Pi. We are working on pattern recognition and algebraic expressions. Seventh graders will have their test this Friday and then they will be divided into two groups. The eighth graders are already in two math groups: the Negative Nerds and […]
We are a very busy class! The eighth graders learned many new ideas about being leaders when they attended the leadership conference last Thursday and look forward to putting these ideas into action. In math we are learning how to simplify complicated algebraic expressions and in science class we are preparing for a chapter test […]
Along with your child’s Tuesday Work Packet, you will also be receiving the October Scholastic catalog. Should you see something that you’d like to order, Mrs. Salomon has established a Sacred Heart School grade 3 account for us. To order online, go to: Our activation code is GML99. Any “points” accrued will go toward […]
The 8th grade is reviewing the 7 virtues that they learned as 7th graders. Today they placed them in the proper category of cardinal or theological. Cardinal virtues are temperance, prudence, justice and fortitude. The Theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity. Now they are writing and illustrating a short story on one virtue to […]
to go online to and practice this week’s words by playing games and taking practice tests! What a FUN way to study spelling!!
Dear Third Grade Families, I am pleased to report that as of last Thursday we are all done with ITBS testing for the 2010-2011 academic year! All of our students deserve a big pat on the back for their effort and endurance. This Wednesday will be our second Free Dress day of the year. There […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Thank you for coming to the Harvest Hoedown! Nice to see many of my kindergarten families. It was an enjoyable evening. Our Saint for month of October is Saint Therese of Lisieux. We will be discussing several saints as we prepare for our yearly Saint’s Parade. Be thinking of whom your child […]
Dear Parents, This week in language arts we will be reading about Christopher Columbus and making a project to accompany our story. Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”. If we have difficulty understanding the story as we read, we stop and go back to reread the sections that were confusing. We also […]
The 6th grade viewed amazing pictures and video from King Tut’s display and discussed Egyptian culture. The vocabulary word from their lesson is kitchen midden, which is a fancy term for ancient history garbage!