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8th Grade Book Report

Our Students By September 29, 2010 No Comments

“Is truth the same for everyone?”  That is the Big Question, we have been discussing in literature this month.  For their first book report, the 8th grade will choose a book from the recommended independent reading list in their literature books.  Students will be discussing the different truths they find in their selection in the […]


7th Grade Book Report

7th Grade By September 29, 2010 No Comments

For their first trimester book report, the 7th grade will be reading a biography or an autobiography.  Ask your student for the specific details.  They received information on Thursday, September 30, 2010.  Students will be sharing their books in a power point presentation that they will create in the computer lab and present orally to […]


6th Grade Book Report

6th Grade By September 29, 2010 No Comments

6th graders are required to do one book report a trimester. They need to find  either a science fiction or a fantasy book to read.  Ask your students for specific details.  Information was distributed on Thursday, September 30,2010.  Students will be sharing their books in the form of a pop-up book.  Work on the pop-up […]


Integer operations and more

7th Grade By September 29, 2010 No Comments

We are working very hard on learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide integers, so you will see lots of that work in the next work packet.  I have seen good progress this week! We are learning how to use spreadsheets in computer class, while playing an online game called Lemonade Stand. In science […]
