First Grade Families- We begin our SUMMER COUNTDOWN! Today we popped our first balloon which had “NO HOMEWORK” until summer work begins. A reminder that students will have summer work to complete. We have 9 more FUNtastic activities to get us through the next few days. The first graders cannot wait to find out what […]
ACADEMICS Reading: We continue reading books in series and share what we love about the books with our friends. Phonics: We are learning how to study and write compound words. Spelling: No new sorts. Math: We are working on different math concepts and assessing what we have learned in second grade as we prepare for […]
Third grade families, A short, but fun week ahead! Our 10 day countdown to summer break begins! Important Dates Thursday, May 26: NO PE & 12p dismissal. Friday, May 27: No school! Monday, May 30: No school! No homework this week! 🙂 Sneak Peek to our Academic Week math: We will spend this week taking […]
Inspired by our first grade buddies who did a similar assignment on parts of speech, the 6th grade class worked in small groups drawing and describing an important person from history or religion. First they drew amazing pictures of the person and then they listed adjectives and verbs to describe their personality and accomplishments. We […]
June Graduation Events Include the ENTIRE SHS Community…Join In! With a 40-year history, Sacred Heart School has celebrated the graduation of its students in a variety of ways, and with many parents as alumni, there are memories. Through the years, changes were made, and the last two years brought adjusting to the demands of COVID […]
Here’s our week in 4th grade… Math: We are spending the rest of our time together focusing on variety of math concepts as we prepare for fifth grade and middle school! ELA: -Writing: We are entering the editing stage of our informational chapter books. We hope to finish publishing them by the end of the week/early […]
ACADEMICS Reading: We are learning why authors end their books certain ways and if there are lessons to be learned. Phonics: We are learning how to use the new words we collect in our conversations and in our writing. Some of the new words we have collected from stories we have read are distribute, slunk, […]
Third grade families, We are approaching the end! This week we continue to learn as much as possible! This week we have our Jog-A-Thon! Please make sure to get all spirit signs and Kona Ice order forms turned in this week! Important Dates Friday, May 20: Jog-A-Thon & noon dismissal! Weekly Homework (due May 24th) […]
Here’s our week in 4th grade… Math: We are spending the rest of our time together focusing on a variety of math concepts as we prepare for fifth grade and middle school! ELA: -Writing: We are entering the editing stage of our informational chapter books. We hope to start publishing them by the end of the […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This is the week! Jog-a-thon is Friday. A big event for our school with a noon dismissal. Please support this end of year fundraiser and come enjoy the fun! Religion – Chapter review, Jesus is the Light of the World. This week the celebration of the Mass. We will learn to pray […]