The Cardinals ended their second game of the season with another win. A close score at the half, but the Cardinals pulled ahead in the second to hold on to their winning record. Next week, the team practices on Tuesday afternoon and plays at HOME v Saint Augustine School on Wednesday. Go Cardinals!
We examined three different soils. The samples came from our backyard garden, miracle grow, and composted soil from avocado trees. We decided to plant peas in each type of soil, see what sprouted first, made comparisons, and planted on October 10. Sprouts are growing well and in a couple months, hopefully we will begin to […]
Hello, Families! We had fantastic weather for a fun-filled Oktoberfest on Friday! Thank you to all who volunteered and supported our event. We’ve also been busy academically. Look at what we have done and will do in the next two weeks. Weekly Homework Homework is due every Monday Read the passage and complete daily activities. […]
Third grade families, Happy Monday! We continue to work hard in third-grade! I am so excited to say that I have seen so much academic growth in all of our kiddos! It it a windy and warm week up ahead…please make sure our kiddos come to school with plenty of water, especially on our PE […]
SHS Cardinals scored on the first drive and continued to make plays on offense and defense to win the first game of the season. The team practices on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday they play their second game of the season as Saint Anthony School travels to play on our field. The game starts at 3:30p. […]
Third grade families, Happy Wednesday! Important Dates Friday, 10.18: –2p dismissal–Free, free dress!–Oktober Fest from 12-2p. Please join us! It will be a lot of fun! Weekly Homework (Due 10/22) Math –math worksheet: Halloween Color By Number–math worksheet: Addition and Subtraction Word Problems–math worksheet: Halloween By The Numbers Reading–Read 100 minutes (20 minutes per day, […]
The Football Season begins at Sacred Heart School this week with the first game set for Wednesday, October 16 as The Cardinals take on Our Lady of Guadalupe School on our field starting at 3:30p. With weeks of practice complete, the season continues with games on Wednesdays throughout October, November, and into December. With a […]
Hello Families, I hope everyone has enjoyed the weekend! I am enjoying the cooler weather in the mornings. This past week flew by, and we had great fun doing our apple science experiments! We used our observation skills to describe and color images of our apples. We then weighed and measured them, too. This […]
Third grade families, Happy Tuesday! Now that we have reached the month of October, our kiddos are really getting the hang of all things third grade! Important Dates Wednesday, 10.9: $1 Free Dress in support of Hurricane Helene Relief Fund.Thursday, 10.10: Dining with The Cardinals Fundraiser–Panda Express + Crumbl Cookie! Dine at both delicious places […]
Hello Families, This week we have a pretty regular week during school. The only addition is a “Free Dress” for $1.00 on Wednesday to support Hurricane Helene’s emergency efforts. Last week we returned to our study of scientists. We first looked at scientists a couple of weeks ago, and last week we turned to how […]