1) The event is on the field and you may enter from two locations, the driveway by the Pieta to the right of The Hall or the double gated entry by the courts and play structure. 2) The spots to park your vehicle are marked on the field with red paint. Number 1 is along […]
As we begin this last week of school, we look back on a wonderful year, full of much learning and many accomplishments. We have worked hard, and we are ready for the summer break! There is no homework this week! Tomorrow, Tuesday, is a free dress day; students will participate in Field Day with their […]
HOMEWORK ***The last homework assignment is due Friday, June 4.*** Math IXL Skills: H.4 and I.2 Language Arts Skill: T.1 Fluency Wk 29 – This should be completed over the course of 4 days. Reading Log Wk 29 – Please read a minimum of 20 minutes daily with the goal of having read 100 or […]
There will be many special events to enjoy as we wrap up this school year in the coming two weeks. This Thursday is the 8th grade Speedball Game, and on Friday we will have a school family activity. We will also “Move Up” to meet with next year’s teacher and get a preview of life […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We talked about the meaning of Memorial Day last week. I hope your children enjoyed the holiday and took time to remember our military heroes and those who gave their lives for our country. We have been learning about our American Symbols. Your children show great interest in the symbols of our […]
The teams have been selected and the game begins following an assembly introducing those teams. Students and staff from Kindergarten-7th Grade will line the field to watch the teams compete. Family members are welcome to join us on the field too. As the game finishes, team members, students, and staff will enjoy a frozen treat […]
One of the popular end of the school year events is our Family Field Day; this year’s is scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, June 8. The Class of 2021 has chosen the theme: This year they would like the families to sport the colors of POPSICLES! Each of the seventeen families selects a popsicle […]
Homework: Homework will not be due until Thursday. This will give everyone some time to relax and enjoy the long weekend. This will be a short week so read at least 4 times…Reading Log: Read 20 min. a day No new sorts Fluency NO Math IXL but students have a math packet that was placed […]
Please note that we have an extended holiday weekend in honor of Memorial Day. We thank the men and women who lost their lives serving our country. Here’s what we are working on this week. HOMEWORK ***This is the last homework assignment, and it is due on Friday, June 4.*** Math IXL Skills: H.4 and […]
Third grade families, As we begin to reach the end of our days in third grade, we continue to work as hard as we can! We take the time this weekend to thank and honor those who have sacrificed their lives for the good of our country. Important Dates Wednesday, May 26: Student Mass Friday, […]