Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoys the Thanksgiving holiday. We have so much to be thankful for. This Wednesday is a noon dismissal and a Free Dress day for $1.00. Looking ahead, Tuesday, December3rd is Teddy Bear Day. Please bring a new stuffed animal on Tuesday. Below please see an overview of our short week. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We all have so much to be thankful for. I am truly grateful for your children, they make each day special. Enjoy time with family and friends during Thanksgiving weekend. Wednesday is a free dress day we are asking for one or two dollars to help Holy Spirit School with their sports […]
Kindergarten students have learned to ask their Saint in heaven to intercede in prayer for them. School-wide Learning Expectations A.2 Pray everyday and go to Mass. B. 8. Use what we have learned.
On October 16th, the 8th grade students, along with their teacher Mrs. Manning, attended a field trip to the National History Museum located in Los Angeles. The purpose and intention of this field trip was both to enjoy and “learn by reviewing the evolution of life on earth” as told by Mrs. Manning. It was […]
Hello Kindergarten Families, With a short week ahead, I am just sending home a book response form and a color by sight word picture. For the book response read a favorite book or library book. Have your child draw and label the characters from the book. Practice a bit with numbers to 20 on IXL. […]
Seventh graders have been studying cells. We’ve learned that cells have different structures that help them meet their needs. We’ve learned that plant and animal cells are different in their structures and in their shape. We spent a few days in the lab making slides of algae (that the students brought from home), onion skin, […]
On October 25, a Friday afternoon, Sacred Heart’s seventh and eighth graders came together for a middle school department meeting. Departments is the way Sacred Heart School middle schoolers get to plan events for the school, make posters, and use their leadership skills. All middle school grades, sixth, seventh, and eighth, are split up into […]
The 7th grade is completing the study on Ancient Africa. The class went to the Ojai Storytelling Festival and learned about griots who told folktales in Africa. After the sharing of our Glogs on African animals each student wrote exciting folktales that explained traits of animals, or why the savanna exists, or why we should […]
For the past few weeks our fourth graders have been busy researching and learning about our many saints. We were finally able to complete our project and the results are wonderful! Pictured are a few of the completed brochures!
Hello Second Grade Families, Thanksgiving is almost upon us, and with that comes the closing of our first trimester together. This week will largely be devoted to reviewing, finishing and tying up loose ends. MATH: This week we will review trimester one’s math content with a focus on counting money and making change. For IXL […]